Home » DeLorean designer: Tesla’s Cybertruck is the “Picasso of automobiles”

DeLorean designer: Tesla’s Cybertruck is the “Picasso of automobiles”

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DeLorean designer: Tesla’s Cybertruck is the “Picasso of automobiles”

Teslas Cybertruck (oben) und der DeLorean DMC-12 (unten).

Andrej Sokolow/picture alliance via Getty Images; Timothy Norris via Getty Images

Giorgetto Giugiaro designed the iconic DeLorean made famous by the Back to the Future films.

The Italian design legend says Tesla’s Cybertruck is the “Picasso of automobiles.”

The DeLorean was one of the vehicles that inspired the Cybertruck’s design.

This is a machine translation of an article from our US colleagues at Business Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by an editor.

Italian design legend Giorgetto Giugiaro considers Tesla’s Cybertruck a masterpiece. Giugiaro, who designed the cult classic DeLorean, called the Cybertruck “the Picasso of automobiles.” The Delorean designer spoke with the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica,” where he raved about the Cybertruck. Giugiaro said he expects the vehicle to be “very successful because people want to stand out.”

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Tesla’s Cybertruck is the first stainless steel vehicle produced since Giugiaro’s DeLorean. The DeLorean, which appeared in the Back to the Future film series, was introduced in the 1980s. “It does not represent the search for harmony and perfection, but rather for emotion and robustness,” said Giugiaro about the Cybertruck. It wouldn’t be the first time that Giugiaro has praised the Cybertruck. Last month he said in an interview with NPRthat the truck would be well received by buyers.

The DeLorean inspired the design of the Cybertruck

“Everyone wants to be different. This is a market necessity and the Cybertruck will certainly be successful, I’m sure. I am convinced that he will find his admirers,” Giugiaro said at the time. Giugiaro’s vote of confidence would likely make Tesla – and its CEO Elon Musk – very happy. According to Walter Isaacson’s biography of Musk, Giugiaro’s DeLorean was one of the vehicles that inspired the Cybertruck’s design.

Musk also has big plans for the Cybertruck, if his recent posts on X are to be believed. On Monday, Musk said Tesla will launch a “mod pack” that will allow the Cybertruck to function as a boat.

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“We will offer a mod package that will enable the Cybertruck to traverse at least 100 meters of water like a boat,” wrote Musk on

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