Home » Paris, Draghi welcomed by Macron: “We will talk about Afghanistan and the future”

Paris, Draghi welcomed by Macron: “We will talk about Afghanistan and the future”

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Prime Minister Mario Draghi was welcomed near the Michelin-starred restaurant “Le Petit Nice” in Marseille by the French head of state, Emmanuel Macron, who gave him a warm welcome. The two, after having hugged each other, walked along the road that runs along the sea as the sun was setting, then entered the restaurant.

“We are here to talk about Afghanistan – Macron said – then we have to talk about the next EU Council and prepare the French presidency. We will tackle bilateral and migratory issues, we will talk about the future “.

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A stronger Europe, which faces a common front, which in the face of a tragedy such as the one marked by the Afghan crisis does not close up, turning its back even on refugees. This is the main dish of the dinner that came for a ‘three days’ relaunch of the second largest town in France, struggling with a resurgence of ill repute and crime that seem to bring it back to the pages of the unforgettable trilogy by Jean-Claude Izzo.

The Macron-Draghi axis remains solid, a certainty in a Europe that often seems to falter. The meeting – a dinner on a splendid terrace overlooking one of the most beautiful panoramic roads in Marseille – takes place at a time characterized by a renewed understanding between the two countries on a bilateral level and by the desire to maintain a close connection on the main European dossiers and international, as evidenced by the acceleration of the work for an enhanced cooperation treaty.

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The ‘Marseillaise’ pact first of all passes through the defense of an extraordinary G20 on the Afghan crisis which at the moment appears to be harnessed by crossed vetoes. The summit will take place, Prime Minister Draghi said confidently in the press conference held in the afternoon, before flying to Marseille, but only after the United Nations General Assembly at the end of September.

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