Home » A British Artist’s Celebratory Creation: Ultra-Tiny Sculptures of Three Kings Inside a Needle’s Eye

A British Artist’s Celebratory Creation: Ultra-Tiny Sculptures of Three Kings Inside a Needle’s Eye

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A British Artist’s Celebratory Creation: Ultra-Tiny Sculptures of Three Kings Inside a Needle’s Eye

Renowned British Artist Creates Ultra-Tiny Sculptures of Three Kings Inside Pin’s Eye for Christmas

Artist Willard Wigan MBE, 66, has captivated the world with his latest creation – ultra-tiny sculptures of three kings placed inside the eye of a pin. The incredible artwork, titled “The Three Little Kings,” is a celebration of the spirit of “hope, light, and love” that Christmas represents.

Wigan, who is from the West Midlands, England, was recently diagnosed with autism at the age of 50. Despite facing challenges during his school years, Wigan transformed his passion for artistic creation into a successful career as a world-renowned miniature sculpture artist. His meticulously crafted hand-made sculptures have inspired millions of people worldwide to take a closer look at the world around them.

The latest sculpture, “The Three Little Kings,” took four and a half weeks to create, with Wigan working up to 16 hours a day. The kings and the camels they ride are carved from tiny fragments of nylon, with the star in front of them made from glittering beads. The crown is made from 24K gold.

“I believe in the existence of God,” Wigan shared. “God represents hope, light and love, and God will bless people. So, I thought, ‘I want to create a work to express my love for God and gratitude.’ That’s why I put three kings on that needle.”

The process of creating the ultra-tiny sculptures requires immense precision and patience. Wigan revealed that there is no joy in the process, but it brings him pleasure when the artwork is completed and admired by others. However, with his latest creation, Wigan expressed that it only gives him pleasure when it’s done or when someone else admires it because people couldn’t believe that sculptures could be so incredibly small.

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To create the intricate pieces, Wigan uses specially made tiny precision tools. He sharpens and flattens acupuncture needles, grinds pearl drill bits into microblades with a Dremel high-speed electric grinder, and breathes slowly between each heartbeat while working.

Despite the remarkable response to his work, Wigan remains focused on improvement, saying, “I’m always improving, but I always tell myself I can do better.”

As an advocate for understanding and embracing differences, Wigan hopes his achievements serve as an inspiration to others with learning differences. He advises parents to encourage their children, stating that telling someone they’re great at what they do motivates them.

Currently, Wigan is working on an exhibition titled “Disappearing World,” which showcases a series of miniature sculptures of endangered animals on display across the UK. He also shares his work on Instagram.

The incredible talent and dedication of Willard Wigan continue to inspire and amaze people around the world, proving that great things come in the tiniest of packages.

By Louise Chambers, English Epoch Times reporter/ Compiled by Zhang Yufei, The Epoch Times

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