Home » The occupation army confiscates about $2.8 million from exchange companies in the West Bank

The occupation army confiscates about $2.8 million from exchange companies in the West Bank

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The occupation army confiscates about $2.8 million from exchange companies in the West Bank

The occupation army announced the confiscation of about 10 million shekels ($2.8 million) from branches of five exchange companies in the West Bank.

Our correspondent said, quoting Palestinian sources, that this incident “represents an economic war and carries political messages that the security grip in the West Bank areas has become on the side of the Israeli occupation and that there is an absence of the Palestinian Authority on the ground.”

Al-Ghad’s correspondent pointed out that last night witnessed large-scale incursions from north to south of the occupied West Bank.

He explained that the campaign focused on money exchange shops, raiding 5 institutions in Tulkarm and Jenin, confiscating money there, and arresting some of the workers and owners, under allegations that they are terrorist organizations working to finance the Hamas and Jihad movements.

Our correspondent confirmed that the cities of Jenin and Ramallah witnessed violent clashes since last night.

A young Palestinian man died in Nablus as a result of his injuries sustained during the storming of the city about 10 days ago. Bringing the death toll in the West Bank to 314 martyrs since the seventh of last October.

The number of martyrs in the West Bank since the beginning of this year reached 522 Palestinians, the highest statistic since the second intifada.

In Hebron, Al-Ghad’s correspondent reported that a number of Palestinians were injured by live bullets.

Our correspondent said that the occupation forces also stormed the city of Halhul, north of Hebron, in the south of the West Bank, wounding 7 Palestinians with live bullets.

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Towns in the West Bank were subjected to successive raids over the past weeks in conjunction with the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which resulted in martyrs and wounded.

watched| Live broadcast of Al-Ghad TV

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