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LYMDIARAL Drops – Lots of Health

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LYMDIARAL Drops – Lots of Health

Article updated on 7 December 2023

Homeopathic Draining Medicine

Itā€™s basically a formidable drainer, a substance that helps the lymph flow more easily lymphatic system which unlike our circulatory system is not equipped with a pump like the heart.

The Lymphatic System

Il lymphatic circulatory system it is a system that is responsible for moving substances such as liquids, lipids and proteins from the interstitial spaces of our tissues, it is present in all mammals, these substances are moved to the circulatory system. It also has very important roles in filtering and in our immune system. The organs that are not drained by the lymphatic system are: the bones, the bone marrow, the endomysium of the muscles, the central nervous system; others such as the epidermis, the lens, the cornea and the innermost part of the large arteries, in addition to having no lymphatic vasculature, also lack blood vasculature.

It is a central drug in the management of one of the most important functions of our body, the disposal of waste produced by our body. As always in homeopathy, the association of substances in a single drug goes beyond the function that each of them would have if taken alone, it can in fact be defined as Lymdiaral drops a complex phytocompound.

The substances contained in Lymdiaral and their functions

Calendula Ƙ: It has calming, mildly purifying and antiseptic properties; Calendula infusion has long been known as digestive and has the ability to facilitate the outflow of bile from our liver. Arsenicum album D8: This homeopathic remedy strongly stimulates the respiratory, digestive organs and mucous membranes, and is therefore particularly suitable in case of digestive problems, indigestion, asthma, mouth ulcers and widespread weakness due to pathologies such as anemia, or prolonged mental effort . Chelidonium D8: It has a cholagogue and choleretic function. It has various draining actions. Leptandra Ƙ: It is an effective liver drainer. Echinacea D3: Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Phytolacca D2: Phytolacca is a homeopathic remedy that fights glandular and connective tissue inflammation. Also very useful in case of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Milk Thistle D1: Known since time immemorial to protect the liver and as a liver drainer. Condurango D2: It has an analgesic action that is particularly useful in cases of gastropathies characterized by exaggerated sensitivity. Its usefulness in cases of stomach cancer has recently been studied because it stimulates the appetite and reduces pain, it also has a cytostatic action. Hydrastis Ƙ: It has many properties ranging from hypertensive, hemostatic and vasoconstrictor. This substance is often used with excellent results in conjunction with other plants that have vasculoprotective and functional qualities in the treatment of venolymphatic insufficiency. Lycopodium D2: Used in case of hemorrhoids, constipation, cirrhosis and renal and biliary lithiasis. It is also useful in combating the following problems: asthma, headaches, lumbago, otitis, gout, arteritis, psoriasis, varicose veins, warts, arterial hypertension, acetone, prostatic hypertrophy, premature ejaculation, amenorrhea, arteriosclerosis, nocturnal enuresis and acetone. Sanguinaria D8: Useful in cases of headache that originates from vasomotor problems.

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Lymdiaral in the drop format it is indicated in case of these pathologies and problems:

Lymphatism, is the excessive development of lymph node organs in children such as tonsils, thymus and lymph glands. Exudative diathesis, is a dysfunction characterized by high irritability of the mucous membranes and skin. Chronic-relapsing diseases Lymphadenitis is an inflammation that involves the lymph nodes and is not a neoplastic disease Scrofulosis is an infectious disease that affects the lymph glands of the neck. Minfangitis, is an inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, in most cases it is caused by streptococci. Mastectomy Axillary emptying Venous stripping

It is also administered in case of edema resulting from radiation, surgical operations and orthopedic immobilization.


In the infants itā€™s us children under 6 years 4-5 drops, 3 times a day in a little water. In the children from 6 to 12 years 6-7 drops, 3 times a day in a little water adults up to 20 drops, 3 times a day in a little water.

There are no known side effects, taking it is contraindicated Lymdiaral drops in case of autoimmune diseases, AIDS, leukemia and TB.

Lymdiaral Price

As we mentioned in the introduction of this study, with Lymdiaral we are able to indicate a generic nameattributable to a wide range of homeopathic products that have been designed and manufactured to aid in the treatment of those disorders that affect our lymphatic system.

Precisely by virtue of the fact that there are multiple products that can be traced back to this name, it is not possible to standardize the price, which will also depend on the size of the package and the type of product we need.

In any case, and without prejudice to the fact that i Lymdiaral homeopathic products they can be purchased in pharmacies or parapharmacies, resulting in exposures at different prices, you can take the following costs as references:

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Lymdiaral drops in the 20 ml pack, costing 13.95 euros. The larger version, 50 mL, is also available, which can guarantee a certainly more convenient price, equal to 23.95 euros;
Lymdiaral crema in the 40 g pack, with a cost of 16.95 euros, while the 100 gram pack has a cost of 35.90 euros;
Lymdiaral Dren compressein a pack of 60 units, which can be purchased at a price of approximately 18.80 euros;
Lymdiaral injectable vialswhich can be purchased in a pack of 10 vials, at a cost of 20.95 euros.

Side effects and contraindications of Lymdiaral

But there can be some side effects from using Lymdiaralor maybe some specific contraindications?

Although these products are generally well tolerated and particularly effective, it cannot be ruled out that they may cause some side effects. Intuitively, the relative nature will depend on the type of product itself, and which is in any case indicated in the information leaflet.

As can be imagined, the main contraindications are linked to possible allergies to one or more of the ingredients of Lymdiaral. It follows, in these cases, the opportunity to abstain from homeopathic treatment with this product.

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