Home » He traveled from Cuba to the US in search of the American dream, but ended up in immigration detention for six months

He traveled from Cuba to the US in search of the American dream, but ended up in immigration detention for six months

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He traveled from Cuba to the US in search of the American dream, but ended up in immigration detention for six months

Cuban Pilot’s Daring Escape to Florida in a Motorized Hang Glider

Ismael Hernández Chirino, a former member of the maritime mission of the Cuban border guard troops, made a daring escape from Cuba to the United States in a motorized hang glider with his friend. The escape comes at a time when Cuba is facing an economic and energy crisis, prompting many to seek better opportunities abroad.

Hernández and his fellow escapee spent almost two hours navigating the Straits of Florida before finally seeing land for the first time since leaving Cuba. This moment brought enormous relief to Hernández, who had been praying throughout the journey that the glider’s fabric wing would not tear.

The pair followed the beach line until they reached the international airport, marking a new beginning in the United States and leaving behind the scarcity they had experienced in Cuba.

Hernández’s journey to freedom was not without danger. The glider was not designed for long flights, and landing in the United States was a daunting task. However, the young pilot managed to navigate the challenging landing, slipping between two planes on the runway. The arrival caused chaos at Key West International Airport, with border agents and immigration authorities quickly taking action.

Following their arrival, Hernández and his friend spent six months in an immigration detention center. Meanwhile, the Cuban Aviation Club accused them of stealing the aircraft and violating Cuban airspace. The club demanded the return of the glider, but Hernández’s escape was a clear indication of the challenges faced in Cuba and the lengths people are willing to go to seek a better life.

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Hernández, now living in Tampa with his girlfriend, is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to work in the aviation sector in the United States. He reflects on the freedom he felt when flying and is determined to find a way back into the skies.

His escape serves as a reminder of the struggles faced by many in Cuba amid the ongoing economic and energy crisis. For Hernández, the decision to leave was solidified by the looming loss of their jobs and the desperate situation faced by his family.

As Hernández begins a new chapter in the United States, he reflects on the journey that brought him here, from the relief of finally seeing land to the hope for a brighter future. His story sheds light on the hardships and resilience of those seeking a new life outside of Cuba.

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