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Regular Sleep Patterns Linked to Lower Risk of Premature Death, Study Finds

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Regular Sleep Patterns Linked to Lower Risk of Premature Death, Study Finds

A new study suggests that when it comes to sleep, consistency is key. The study, published in the magazine Sleep, analyzed the sleep data of over 60,000 people and found that maintaining a regular sleep schedule is linked to a lower risk of premature death.

The study found that those who followed consistent sleep patterns, going to bed and waking up at similar times each day, reduced their risk of premature death by 20% to 48%. Additionally, they had a lower risk of cancer-related death by 16% to 39%, and cardiac or metabolic problems between 22% and 57%.

This doesn’t mean that the amount of sleep is unimportant, but rather that the consistency of sleep patterns plays a significant role in overall health and well-being. Sleep experts agree that the timing of sleep is just as important as the amount of sleep a person gets.

Jade Wu, a certified sleep psychologist and sleep expert, emphasizes the importance of consistency in sleep schedules. She notes that even if not everyone needs a full eight hours of sleep, everyone needs consistency in their sleep schedule. Wu also warns against “social jet lag,” where people wake up at different times throughout the week, which can have a similar impact on the body as flying back and forth between time zones.

The findings of this study highlight the importance of maintaining a regular sleep schedule for overall health and longevity, suggesting that striving for consistency in sleep patterns may have significant benefits for long-term well-being.

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