Home » Ukraine and Russia exchange more than 400 prisoners with the mediation of the United Arab Emirates

Ukraine and Russia exchange more than 400 prisoners with the mediation of the United Arab Emirates

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Ukraine and Russia exchange more than 400 prisoners with the mediation of the United Arab Emirates

In a significant development amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, authorities from Russia and Ukraine have carried out a prisoner exchange, benefiting more than 400 individuals. The exchange was facilitated with the assistance of the United Arab Emirates as a mediator.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took to social media to celebrate the release of over 200 combatants and civilians from Russian captivity. Some of the prisoners were reported to have participated in the defense of the town of Mariupol and the Azovstal steelworks. Zelensky expressed his commitment to ensuring the safe return of all individuals still held in Russia’s custody, thanking those who contributed to making the exchange possible.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that 248 Russian soldiers were released by Ukraine, with the assistance of Emirati mediation. Moscow has pledged to offer medical and psychological assistance to the released soldiers, who were evacuated on Russian military planes to facilities associated with the Ministry.

This exchange marks a significant step in the efforts to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, showcasing a positive development amidst the ongoing tensions between the two countries. As the situation continues to unfold, the international community closely follows the latest developments in the region.

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