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The latest research from California Institute of Technology: DNA nano-robots may help humans perform operations on tiny organs in the future! -INSIDE

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In the first half of this year, the epidemic rose without warning, accelerating the shift of consumer behavior from physical channels to online platforms, and also drastically changing the way consumers interact with brands. Feeling the gradual failure of brand loyalty and the trend of consumers turning to online to pursue offline experience, although various brands have accelerated their online layout, it is still difficult to keep up with the changes in consumers just by putting their products on digital shelves. .

Faced with the first big e-commerce store in the second half of the year-Shopee Shopping “9.9 Super Shopping Festival”, how to turn passive into proactive and cater to the ever-changing consumption pattern will become the momentum of consumption after grasping the epidemic rebound and sprint the brand in the second half of the year The key to performance.

Current status in the post-epidemic era: Brand loyalty fades, online consumer experience rises

The epidemic’s restrictions on going out have affected consumers’ shopping journeys. According to the “Key Report on Smart Consumption 2020” released by Google and market research agencies, more than half of consumers have increased their spending on online shopping, while more than 40% have reduced their physical channels. frequency.

In addition to the ebb and flow between virtual and real channels, consumer needs and preferences have also undergone substantial changes. The first thing to bear is brand loyalty. For consumers, it is more important for consumers to find products that meet their needs during the pandemic of the world-shaking order of life than to use a specific brand. Therefore, when people cannot obtain their usual brand immediately, they will not hesitate to switch to alternative brands and tend to Choose a brand you’ve seen before.

At the same time, the life restrictions brought about by the epidemic have also caused consumers to miss face-to-face social interaction. In terms of consumer behavior, they then turn to online channels to pursue the actual experience of offline shopping, and they gradually have more than transactions on online channels. expect.

The decisive trend in the post-epidemic era: the rise of discovery-based business, take the initiative to let customers see you

When the awareness of brand loyalty gradually fades and online consumer experience becomes a new trend, what should the brand do next?

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According to a report jointly published by Facebook and Bain & Company, nearly 90% of consumers interact with brands and obtain brand information mainly through the “Internet”; more than half of them are immersed in “discovery business” Compared with “search commerce” that has clear shopping goals and actively finds products on e-commerce platforms or search engines, “discovery commerce” is a behavioral pattern that improvises the discovery of brand and product information during the process of casual browsing on the Internet .

Nearly 90% of consumers obtain brand information through the “Internet”, and more than half of them are immersed in “discovery commerce”. (Photo Credit: Shopee for Business)

I believe that many people have had similar experiences. When sliding their phones or visiting the community, they inadvertently saw that a product of interest was being advertised. At the moment, they were attracted to browse and add the product to the purchase list. It’s time for the promotion, and the order may be placed within a few minutes to complete the purchase.

The above-mentioned shopping behaviors seem to be temporary intentions, but they are the key for brands to transform consumers’ behaviors of mining product information into shopping needs and expand their performance territory. When consumers no longer actively search for products, brands can only make good use of online marketing tools and actively create contact points with consumers to have the opportunity to deliver product information, thereby increasing the brand’s heart rate and creating an online consumer experience that is difficult to replace. .

Make good use of marketing tools to create contact points!Shopee X Facebook ads break through data limitations and shorten the distance from exposure to transaction

Observing the trend of “discovery business” emerging in 2020, more than 60% of the contact channels are concentrated on social media, short video, instant messaging and other network services, and social advertising is the main tool for brands to communicate with consumers. . However, in the face of gradual tightening of privacy regulations and the high walls erected by technology giants on program tracking, social advertisements that lack key data are unsustainable in “targeting audiences”, which in turn affects delivery accuracy and overall conversion The media, agencies and brand parties are also actively looking for new solutions for advertising targeting.

In order to help the brand break through, Shopee Shop and Facebook have jointly launched a new advertising model “S Shopee X Facebook Advertising (CPAS)”, opening up actual consumer behavior data on the site, and providing a basis for brands to accurately target audiences, once they have seen you Once the user clicks on the ad, he will be directly directed to the brand’s shop, and the product will be exposed to the transaction. the distance.

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Shopee X Facebook advertising opens actual consumption data on the site, providing brands with precise targeting of broad audiences (Photo Credit: Shopee for Business)

Shopee X Facebook ads help brands “provide the right products at the right time and to the right audience”. At this moment when brand loyalty is reshuffled, it will attack the heart rate with the most accurate advertising content, and it will be smooth and unimpeded. The shopping process enhances the online consumption experience. The following will analyze the shopping methods of Shopee X Facebook advertising from the three aspects of budget, material, and audience to help brands face the first e-commerce promotion of the “9.9 Super Shopping Festival” after the epidemic slows down in the second half of the year. Achieved outstanding performance in China.

Shopee X Facebook advertising will win three major strategies, grasp the momentum of rebound consumption after the epidemic

Strategy 1: Always-on stable delivery on weekdays with large-scale overweight

Considering that consumers are likely to purchase products 365 days a year, and the advertising system needs time to optimize to grasp the most ideal audience and location, compared to the single-locking large-scale band-type operation, the advertising strategy will be even better if it is combined with stable delivery on weekdays. Can effectively drive the flow to realize.

Continuously interact with potential consumers through the uninterrupted always-on strategy on weekdays, accumulate energy to increase conversion, and put more emphasis on the most effective advertising mix during the large-scale period, so as to increase the conversion rate and performance in one go. The data shows that brands that continue to operate the always-on strategy one month before the big gear have increased their product sales by up to 46% compared to brands that only invested in short-term marketing activities during the week of the big gear. This shows the magnification power of the always-on strategy. .

The company continued to operate the always-on brand one month before the big stall, which increased product sales by up to 46% (Photo Credit: Shopee for Business)

Strategy 2: Add creatives to quickly attract attention and increase click-through rate

In an environment of information explosion, only ads that are attractive enough to have the opportunity to capture the attention of consumers and attract them to click and browse to place an order. When arranging the content of creatives, in addition to basic information such as brand identity, product and event type, it is also recommended to put consumer incentives such as discounts, free shipping discounts or product descriptions, and encourage users to take “come and go shopping”, Call to Action (CTA) for specific behaviors, such as “early order”, brings more traffic to the advertisement.

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Strategy 3: Keep both old and new customers together, keep current and expand and re-market customers

The old and new customer strategy is like the two ends of Libra, disregarding either side will cause an imbalance. Generally speaking, the advertising return rate (ROAS) of old customers is relatively high, but due to the limited number of old customers, the advertising cost (CPC) is also relatively high. The lower CPC introduces an endless stream of traffic to the stores and continues to expand the customer base.

When setting Shopee X Facebook advertising customer groups, you can make good use of Facebook’s built-in wide audience to explore new customers, avoid setting too many screening conditions, in order to maximize the potential customer groups; at the same time, based on Shopee shopping data to lock and re-market the audience, in the promotion The scheduled event days are exhausted in one fell swoop. According to statistics, more than 90% of successful Shopee X Facebook ads are used in conjunction with new customer expansion and remarketing, which not only achieves lower advertising purchase costs, but also effectively develops new customers.

In the face of the erratic epidemic, although brands have difficulty predicting the next step accurately, as long as they follow the pace of consumer changes and make good use of precise marketing tools to interact and communicate, they have the opportunity to successfully turn new customers into old customers and old customers into regular customers. Get a foothold in an environment full of uncertainty and find your own way to break through.

To learn more about the strategy of brand e-commerce layout and how to succeed in Shopee X Facebook advertising, please see:

The content of this article is provided by “Xiapi Shopping”, and has been reviewed by the editorial and planning editor of the Key Review Media Group.


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