Home » Biden compares Trump’s rhetoric to that of Nazi Germany: “They use the exact same language”

Biden compares Trump’s rhetoric to that of Nazi Germany: “They use the exact same language”

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US President Joe Biden has accused Donald Trump of using the rhetoric of Nazi Germany. He said this on Friday during a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania, on the eve of the third anniversary of the storming of the Capitol.

“Donald Trump’s campaign team is obsessed with the past, not the future. Trump is willing to sacrifice our democracy to come to power,” denounced the Democratic president, who emphasized that his Republican rival is only after “power and autocracy.”

Biden also compared Trump’s rhetoric to that of Nazi Germany. “He’s talking about Americans’ blood being poisoned, using exactly the same language as in Nazi Germany,” said 81-year-old Biden. “Trump and his supporters not only condone political violence, they laugh at it.”

The president would normally deliver his speech on Saturday, three years to the day after Trump supporters attacked the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s victory. However, because a storm is forecast on Saturday, the speech was brought forward by a day.

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