Home » The social managers that shine in the main cities of Colombia

The social managers that shine in the main cities of Colombia

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The social managers that shine in the main cities of Colombia

With the inauguration of regional and local mayors, along with them, their respective first ladies assumed prominent roles, five women notable for their participation in social events and leadership in humanitarian causes.

Taliana Vargas – Wife of the Mayor of Cali:

Taliana Vargas, renowned actress, presenter and former Colombian queen, shares her life with Mayor Alejandro Éder. Despite her Caribbean roots, she has conquered the hearts of Cali’s people with her empathy and various social causes led through the Tree House Foundation, to which she donated the proceeds from her wedding.

Margarita Gómez – Wife of the Mayor of Medellín:

Administrative engineer of the Antioquia School of Engineering, Margarita Gómez once again assumes the role of first lady in Medellín. With previous experience in this position during the mandate of Federico Gutiérrez between 2015 and 2019, she led the Tejiendo Hogares program, strengthening family ties and preventing child abuse.

Katia Nule – Wife of the Mayor of Barranquilla:

Since her reign as Carnival Queen in 1995, Katia Nule has won the affection of Barranquilla residents. This will be her third term as first lady in La Arenosa, accompanying her husband Alejandro Char, who was mayor on two previous occasions.

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Carolina Deik – Wife of the Mayor of Bogotá:

Renowned lawyer and academic, Carolina Deik leads her own law firm and has served as a professor at several Colombian universities. Her experience covers areas such as constitutional law, administrative law and state contracting, preparing her to take on a prominent role in the capital.

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María Juliana Parra – Wife of the Mayor of Neiva:

María Juliana Parra, business administrator, has stood out in charitable actions for communities in recent years. She will lead social issues and relations with women in Neiva, establishing herself as a leader committed to the well-being of citizens.

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