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EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 | Sportdimontagna.com

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EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 |  Sportdimontagna.com

In the youth categories, the gold medals around their necks were Robin Bussard (Ch) and Caroline Ulrich (Ch) among the under 23s, Jules Raybaud (fra) Ida Waldal (Nor) among the under 20s. In the under race 18th, the Spaniards Julia Pujol Parramon and Laia Sellés Sánchez won the gold. These are the verdicts of the races staged in the French Alps of Flaine in what, for ski mountaineering, is in all respects the most important week of the season. Italy almost left empty-handed in the Olympic specialty which will be the showcase for skialp in Milan Cortina 2026.

The Bormio financier Katia Mascherona saved the day with a bronze under 23. Our other ambitions were instead dashed a few seconds before the start of the men’s race when the Bormio carabiniere Nicolò Canclini literally stopped to fix a skin. This inconvenience precluded any chance of his success; in the end he had to settle for 6th place. As anticipated, one of the favorites of the day prevailed, the Spaniard Oriol Cardona who shared the podium with the Swiss Arno Lietha and the French Robin Galindo.

In the women’s competition, with Giulia Murada absent for health reasons, Giulia Compagnoni took care of keeping the Italian colors high in the overall rankings and finished 5th overall in the final won by Marianne Fatton ahead of Ana Alonso Rodriguez and Marianna Jagercikova.

YOUTH RACE: classification in hand, Hermann Debertolis from Veneto and Erik Canovi from Sondrio confirmed their sprinting skills by winning the under 20 final and taking 4th and 5th place respectively. Among their equal categories, an obligatory mention goes to Clizia Vallet from Valle d’Aosta who finished in 5th place at the end. Placement at the foot of the podium in the under 18 race for Melissa Bertolina.

The athlete from Atletica Alta Valtellina actually finished the final in 4th position. 9th overall, however, was Vanessa Marca from Brescia. Their peers Enrico Pellegrini and Luca Curioni also did well. The Venetian and Lecco teams placed 4th and 5th place.

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Now the European championships will continue with the vertical test and then conclude on Friday with the mixed relay.

(Skimostats cover photo. Photo internal ISMF)

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