Home » Covid-19 and Vaccines. Marco: “I curse myself for having decided to get vaccinated”

Covid-19 and Vaccines. Marco: “I curse myself for having decided to get vaccinated”

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(Meridiananotizie) Rome, 4 September 2021 – We receive theMarco’s appeal and to protect his privacy in such a delicate moment where the souls of the people who are pro-wax e no-vax they are warming up more and more, especially after statements by Premier Draghi in fact of Green Pass e Vaccines, we will limit ourselves to indicating only the name, even if he has no problem revealing his identity.

For the avoidance of doubt and before anyone dares the eventual attribution of Fake-news to this article, let’s say that we are in possession of a voice recording and other written ones, of the statements made by Marco.

Having said that, let’s go briefly to tell the negative experience who is experiencing this person who has decided to “surrender”, as he himself pointed out, to vaccine practice

I have always been against having the Covid-19 vaccine injected me – said Marco – because both at the beginning of its distribution and still today, the adverse effects this can generate were not and are not yet clear“.

Marco had decided, as he himself says, not to get the vaccine but he gave in as a result of denials that the Government is carrying out on the grounds of freedom of movement of people: freedom in work, most important but not least, freedom in private and social life.

I carry out activities that see me hanging out with many people continuously – Marco says – e I couldn’t take swabs every 48 hours anymore so I had the first administration of the Pfizer vaccine. The next day I had a severe pain and burning in the arm which, however, I managed to calm down with ice. But in the following days I would come overwhelmed by other symptoms affecting the respiratory tract. Especially the night that I couldn’t lie down because I couldn’t breathe through my nose and had to keep my mouth open to get some air, as if I were in apnea. I also had chest pains that prevented me from breathing properly “.

Marco, is one person who is already forced to take a lot of drugs because he suffers from epilepsy and this data is important for what he himself will state below.

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Unfortunately – Marco points out – even though trying to cope with the symptoms that I have begun to experience, these they are weakening me too much, because I don’t sleep at night so I decided, last Thursday to have my partner take me to the hospital… (here we omit the name of the ASL, again to ensure the privacy of the case) to receive ahealth care that could reassure me“.

This second experienceadds Marco – come already happened in the health point where I went the first time to get the vaccine administered, was also found in this case negative. In fact, already on the day of the vaccine, prior to administering the drug, no one bothered to ask me if I had any existing pathologies that could have conflicted with the vaccine; as well as, when I’ve been subsequently in the other ASL of Rome for the symptoms of malaise that I accused, in the moment in which I was the one who spontaneously informed the health professionals that I am taking 5 drugs for my pathology, I was told by them that this is not a problem and that the symptoms I am accusing cannot know if they are related to the vaccine I received. In fact, I have already been told that I will have to take the second dose.

Marco, however, is stayed in the hospital from the afternoon / evening, all night, without dinner, no breakfast and without being given treatment to alleviate the physical problems he was experiencing, nor was he subjected to medical research. The fact is that Marco spent another sleepless night because if he lay on the bed he could not breathe. The lack of health care that Marco told us, prompted him to decide to leave the hospital to seek health care that could take care of his problems and monitor how much he is physically accusing.

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The experience told by Marco inevitably leads us to ask ourselves: “Are we sure that all the adverse reactions reported by patients who have undergone the anti covid-19 vaccines are documented in the AIFA monitoring protocols?” Doubt is strong enough, why what happened to Marco, as we read in many other spaces (mainly on the web), it has happened to many other people as well (without considering those that have had the most disastrous outcomes, that is, they have passed away and cannot tell what they experienced) is that the ASLs do not register, it is easy to think that the data they provide to us, regarding adverse reactions to vaccines, they may not be real.

In thanking Marco for his statement and confirming that we are at your disposal to follow his post-vaccine process, in the hope that the ailments he accuses return as soon as possible, we keep saying that what is happening puts more and more Pro-vax people against No-vax and vice versa.

We already imagine how many will be those who they will reply to this article, taking sides on one side or the other each asserting their own beliefs and reasons but at the same time giving rise to what we have defined in our previous article (click here), a “war between the poor“.

A conflict that, in our opinion, could see its end immediately if only the Government decided to bring together the medical and scientific parties who support, on the one hand, vaccine therapy and, on the other, therapy with drugs based on other principles. (see for example those that act on people’s innate immunity), with the common aim of saving human lives and above all, since there are no certainties of cure (scientific data tell us) to stop the infection, then spread of the virus, leave the freedom of choice to doctors and their patients to choose the treatment they consider least risky.

  • article by Massimo Catalucci


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