Home » They ask for greater security in a Cipolletti health center after vandalism

They ask for greater security in a Cipolletti health center after vandalism

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They ask for greater security in a Cipolletti health center after vandalism

At the beginning of this week, A vandalism caused commotion in a Cipolletti neighborhood. A group of people cut the power cables to the health center, generating a million-dollar loss of medicines. After several days of waiting, First Care Center (CAP) returned to treating patients.

He primary health center (CAP) in the Costa Norte neighborhood of Cipolletti is once again in danger of closing its doors. On this occasion it is due to a vandalism that generated million-dollar losses. Neighbors ask for greater security to be able to carry out their activities normally.

According to the workers there, at the beginning of the week they entered the facilities and noticed that there was no electricity. After trying to understand the problem, they noticed that the cables on the meter pillar were cut.

After several days, the CAP had electricity again, and they resumed their activities. Hospital authorities confirmed the replacement of lost medicationsincluding mandatory schedule vaccines and insulin injections.

In addition, shifts will be rescheduled starting next Monday.

The CAP health personnel stated that they will begin efforts to improve the security conditions of the establishment, and for their part, The neighbors ask that a perimeter zero be placed, surveillance cameras and a greater police presence.

Vandalism in a Cipolletti health center: what the event was like

According to the story of the workers there, at the beginning of the week they entered the facilities and noticed that there was no electricity. After trying to understand the problem, they noticed that the cables on the meter pillar were cut.

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This action affected the cold equipment in the health center, leaving a large number of medications without the cold chain they require. Among the medications that were lost were human papillomavirus vaccines and insulin. Today, a dose of the HPV vaccine costs about 100,000 pesos.

In addition, the refrigerators contained vaccines planned for the childhood vaccination schedule. There is already a police report on the way for what happened, and the CAP awaits the arrival of Edersa to reconnect the service.

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