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Frozen soap bubbles as a cool experiment in winter

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Frozen soap bubbles as a cool experiment in winter

If you also like to do experiments with the children, you can take advantage of the frosty weather and try the frozen bubbles. You may have seen them a time or two online, as they are particularly popular with photographers. Frozen soap bubbles have breathtakingly beautiful crystal patterns. But how do you make them?

Foto: ragomirojocaru/Shutterstock

The soap bubbles literally freeze in seconds and you can watch the ice crystals develop and they look different every time. Amazed faces are guaranteed (not just for the little ones)! It’s the perfect experiment for winter.

What is necessary for the experiment?

Photo: Andrey Pristyazhnyuk/Shutterstock

In order for the whole thing to work well, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Getting the bubbles can be a bit tricky at times, but with the right preparation and technique you’ll be able to do it quickly.

The right outside temperature: To obtain frozen soap bubbles, a temperature of at least below zero is required – the colder, of course, the faster they freeze. At minus 5 and less the whole thing works particularly well. The mix is ​​crucial. The surface tension should be right so that the bubbles don’t burst so quickly and become more robust. You can of course find a recipe with instructions below.

Frozen soap bubbles – DIY instructions

Photo: Andrey Pristyazhnyuk/Shutterstock

It would be easiest if you use ready-made soap bubble water. This is usually already prepared so that the bubbles are robust. However, if you don’t have any on hand, you can also make a mixture yourself. You need these ingredients for the recipe:

250 ml warm water 45 ml dishwashing liquid 2.5 tbsp sugar

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A notice: The detergent should be clear and contain no moisturizing ingredients in order to be able to form stable soap bubbles. The sugar in turn serves to make the shell more robust.

How to make the frozen bubbles recipe

Photo: m. uptegrove/Shutterstock Add the dishwashing liquid and sugar to the warm water. The heat allows the sugar to dissolve more quickly. Mix well until the sugar dissolves. Keep the liquid cold (preferably in the freezer if you will be using it soon). After about 15 minutes you can get started.

If you use ready-made bubble liquid, mix in your sugar too. To do this, it is recommended to warm it up a little beforehand.

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Here’s how to make the bubbles outside

Quelle: @ondrejholas_landscape/Instagram

Before blowing frozen bubbles, dress warmly. It may not work right away and you will have to spend some time outside. You need:

the prepared soap solution a suitable surface on which the bubble can rest well the usual stick for blowing soap bubbles or a straw

Once you have found a suitable surface, blow the bubble directly onto it. If you blow it in the air as usual and wait for it to fall on the desired surface, you can try for a long time. You will probably burst immediately every time you try. With a straw you can select the location particularly precisely.

Quelle: @ondrejholas_landscape/Instagram

Once the soap bubble has frozen, you probably won’t be able to marvel at nature’s art for too long, because sooner or later the “skin” of the bubbles will tear and become more durable the colder it is. But luckily you still have plenty of bubble water left over for more frozen bubbles.

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Did you know that you can paint pictures with soap bubbles?

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