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27 Talents Award: Find the outstanding talents with us!

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27 Talents Award: Find the outstanding talents with us!

Who stands out, inspires, changes the business? We are looking for 27 special talents up to 27 years old. Nominate people who deserve the prize here – or even yourself!

Founder scene

Dear readers,

Fortunately, they always exist: young talents, creative minds, visionary thinkers. We want to find them! Because outstanding personalities deserve to be recognized for their achievements. For this reason, we are launching the 27 Talents Award, a special award from the start-up scene and Startup Teens.

We rely on your support: Help us find the 27 young talents!

What is the 27 Talents Award about?

The 27 Talents Award is looking for 27 outstanding talents up to 27 years old. We identify Founders as well as Intrapreneure, who use their creativity, assertiveness and innovative strength to change the areas in which they work for the better. The award honors not only individual achievements, but also the influence and inspiration these young talents have on others.

The winners will be recognized by a jury of renowned business personalities honored at an exclusive awards ceremony on March 20, 2024.

Why nominate?

Nominating for the 27 Talents Award is your chance to help ensure proven talent gets the recognition they deserve. Maybe you know someone in your professional or personal environment who has impressed you with their outstanding achievements, their innovative way of thinking or their entrepreneurial skills. Or maybe you are the person who has made a significant contribution to the world of startups and innovation – then feel free to nominate yourself!

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How can you nominate?

The nomination for the 27 Talents Award is very simple and quick. Visit the awards website and fill out the nomination form. Tell us why the person you suggested or yourself deserves this recognition. Emphasizes special achievements, innovative strength and influence on the industry.

What awaits the winners?

Those who receive the 27 Talents Award can look forward to more than just a prestigious award. But also a unique opportunity to learn from the best: At the awards ceremony on March 20, 2024, the winners will be brought together with experienced mentors who will pass on their knowledge and experiences in several meetings.

The exchange between mentor and mentee is inspiring and instructive – and goes far beyond the award ceremony.

Be there!

Nominate yourself or others for the 27 Talents Award now! Let’s build a community of innovators, visionaries and success stories together. We want to celebrate those who make a difference!

Submit your nomination here by the end of January 2024!


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