Home » The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Huaibei Municipal People’s Congress held a special democratic life meeting on theme education and inspection and rectification – Huaibei News Network – Huaibei’s authoritative news website

The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Huaibei Municipal People’s Congress held a special democratic life meeting on theme education and inspection and rectification – Huaibei News Network – Huaibei’s authoritative news website

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The Huaibei Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Party Group recently held a special democratic life meeting focused on theme education and inspection and rectification. The meeting, which took place on January 13, was presided over by Fang Zongze, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee.

During the meeting, members of the Party Leadership Group reported on the implementation of the 2022 Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Party Group Democratic Life Meeting and thematic education rectification measures. Fang Zongze emphasized the importance of using rectification as a “touchstone” to test the party’s spirit and as a yardstick to measure the effectiveness of learning, thinking, and practicing the party’s innovative theory. He called for careful identification of problems and the formulation of specific plans for rectification.

Additionally, Fang Zongze emphasized the need to continuously improve political judgment, understanding, and execution within the party. He stressed the importance of implementing problem rectification and aligning it with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Municipal Party Committee.

The meeting also saw members of the party group engaging in self-criticism and mutual criticism as part of the inspection and rectification process.

The focus on theme education and inspection and rectification underscores the Party’s commitment to promoting high-quality transformation and development in Huaibei and accelerating the construction of a “five-suite” happy city.

The meeting was attended by members of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee as well as members of the Liaison Group of the Municipal Party Committee’s Theme Education Office.

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This is reporter Wang Chenchen, bringing you this news report with information from correspondent Fei Xinyi.

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