Home » Security summit on New Year’s Eve: Increased prevention announced

Security summit on New Year’s Eve: Increased prevention announced

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Security summit on New Year’s Eve: Increased prevention announced

Burning paper containers and cars, blocking access routes: After numerous criminal actions took place in the Noitzmühle in Wels, deputy mayor and security officer Gerhard Kroiß invited people to a security summit yesterday. Together with representatives of the Red Cross, fire department and police, he discussed how the city can respond to these events.

Everyone agreed that tough action was needed against the young perpetrators, according to a joint release. Various steps were also announced to strengthen prevention. It was agreed with representatives of LAWOG and the Welser Heimstätte that there would be more information about the legal consequences through the city’s youth clubs, street workers, the Austrian Integration Fund and the police. The cultural associations are informed about the work of volunteers in the fire department and the Red Cross.

The young people were out in groups on New Year’s Eve and incited each other, according to the broadcast. The interviewees made a joint statement: “We have to make it clear to the young people that through such actions they are endangering people in their immediate living environment. Those police officers as well as employees and volunteers of the fire department and the Red Cross who were on duty that night and through their Those who prevented the worst from happening were deliberately hindered in providing assistance – this is absolutely unacceptable,” was the verdict of the participants at yesterday’s security summit.


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