Home » Achieving Mental Harmony in the New Year by Isabel Llano, aka Isasaweis

Achieving Mental Harmony in the New Year by Isabel Llano, aka Isasaweis

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Achieving Mental Harmony in the New Year by Isabel Llano, aka Isasaweis

Isasaweis, or Plain Elizabeth, as she is better known, is an advocate of self-discovery and personal development to achieve mental harmony and happiness in life. She suggests that individuals discover what they want in life, take care of it, and give importance to it in order to maintain peace of mind. She also provides guidance on dealing with issues and worries so that they do not take away our happiness.

Her own experience with personal growth and overcoming difficult moments has led her to believe in the power of self-care and well-being. She shared her own techniques and exercises for self-knowledge that have helped her maintain her peace of mind even during difficult times. As an individual who has gone through delicate personal moments, she has found solace in running and sharing her problems with friends over coffee.

Isasaweis also offers her formula for happiness, which includes a focus on three key areas: diet, exercise, and attitude. She believes that these elements together can contribute to a happy and fulfilled life. In her latest book, “Eat everything, train with me, and change your life,” she provides new recipes, lifestyle tricks, and a sports routine plan designed to keep individuals in shape.

Her commitment to maintaining a balanced and happy life extends to her culinary inspirations as well. Isasaweis looks to her family and international cuisines for ideas and creativity, aiming to empower others to enjoy a variety of foods without deprivation.

Moreover, Isasaweis emphasizes the importance of physical exercise and its role in her own personal transformation. She reveals how her initial aversion to sports turned into a source of fun and enjoyment, which ultimately led her to develop a training routine that she now shares with her readers.

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In conclusion, Isasaweis advocates for living in the present and cherishing what we already have in life. She expresses contentment with her current state of happiness and is open to new challenges as long as they do not affect her well-being. Her journey serves as an inspiration to others looking to achieve mental harmony and happiness in their own lives.

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