Home » Foreign YouTuber builds the world’s first PlayStation 5 tablet | Computer King Ada

Foreign YouTuber builds the world’s first PlayStation 5 tablet | Computer King Ada

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Foreign YouTuber builds the world’s first PlayStation 5 tablet | Computer King Ada

Foreign YouTuber Creates World’s First PlayStation 5 Tablet

A well-known foreign YouTube channel, DIY Perks, has recently shared a video of successfully converting a PlayStation 5 into a tablet. The video has garnered a lot of attention and excitement from gamers and tech enthusiasts alike.

According to DIY Perks, it was not a simple process to transform the PlayStation 5 into a tablet. The most challenging part was dealing with the heat dissipation design of the PS5, which includes thick heat dissipation fins and heat pipes. DIY Perks had to find a way to reduce the heat dissipation design without causing the console to overheat.

After several modifications and adjustments, including strengthening the cooling fins and adding small fans, DIY Perks was able to successfully solve the heat dissipation problem. The final test showed that when the PS5 console is fully loaded, the temperature remains at a stable 42 degrees.

The converted PS5 tablet also features an OLED 4K resolution screen, showcasing the console’s graphics capabilities. DIY Perks added a support bracket on the back of the tablet for easier gameplay. However, it’s important to note that the tablet does not have a built-in battery, so it needs to be connected to a power source when being used.

While the PS5 tablet is still larger than typical tablets, its portability has been greatly improved, making it easier to take to other locations for gaming sessions.

In the video, DIY Perks also mentioned that since they were able to create the PS5 tablet, it may be easier for Sony to do so as well. They speculated that Sony could potentially create a thinner and more refined version of the PS5 tablet, although the commercial success of such a product remains to be seen.

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The video of the entire process can be viewed on DIY Perks’ YouTube channel for those interested in the detailed steps and modifications made to create the PlayStation 5 tablet.

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