Home » Not fragile memory and bewilderment but this unsuspected symptom could reveal a ferocious brain disease

Not fragile memory and bewilderment but this unsuspected symptom could reveal a ferocious brain disease

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Science is investing heavily to find precursors of neurodegenerative diseases that can help prevent and treat these diseases early.

Fortunately, the results of science are beginning to give reassuring answers in this regard and tend to replace invasive and painful tests with much more harmless tests. From a simple blood test, we may find that not shaky memory but this spy could announce Alzheimer’s as early as 20 years in advance. The theme of prevention and medical control, therefore, is always current and strongly recommended in the fight against any type of pathology.

The following article will discuss studies conducted by New York University to confirm the link of smell disorders to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Let’s see how.

Not fragile memory and bewilderment but this unsuspected symptom could reveal a ferocious brain disease

The research was conducted from 2004 to 2010 on over a thousand subjects who, initially, did not show signs of cognitive problems, testing their sense of smell. Each of them smelled different odors and then gave an assessment of the intensity perceived by the perfume based on the parameters of the Upsit scale. After 6 years, the 210 subjects who developed Alzheimer’s or dementia were those who scored the lowest on the quality of smell. The results, therefore, invite us to pay attention because not fragile memory and bewilderment but this unsuspected symptom could reveal a ferocious brain disease.

Among the first areas attacked

In the past, disturbances of smell have already been recognized as consequences of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, but they could also be an a priori signal.

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The hypothesis is that the olfactory nerve endings, which therefore transmit odors, are among the first areas to be afflicted by neurofibrillary groups, typical of Alzheimer’s. To confirm the thesis, as already mentioned, it is frequent that even people with Parkinson’s suffer from cacosmìa (perception of bad smell).

The 10 spy smells according to science

Continuing to dig, the studies of science have also highlighted how, in particular, 10 are the odors not perceived by those who are already sick or could be. Below, we report the list also available on the Veronesi Foundation website.

Among the smells, science indicates:

  • Menthol;
  • Clove;
  • Strawberry;
  • Pineapple;
  • Natural gas;
  • Lillà;
  • Lemon;
  • Leather;
  • Smoke;
  • Soap;

Not perceiving these smells, says Prof. Devanand of New York, could be symptomatic of the onset of severe forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Of course, before any premature diagnosis based on the data reported by science, an adequate clinical check-up and specific examinations are advisable. In any case, always consult your doctor.


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