Home » Poverty was reduced to 24.4% in the Dominican Republic, affirms the President | AlMomento.net

Poverty was reduced to 24.4% in the Dominican Republic, affirms the President | AlMomento.net

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Luis Abinader announces significant reduction in general monetary poverty

Santo Domingo, Jan 15.- President Luis Abinader announced on Monday that general monetary poverty has decreased in the country by four percentage points, falling from 28.4% in the third quarter of 2022 to 24.4% in the same period last year. Speaking at his regular Monday press conference at the National Palace, Abinader expressed confidence that when the numbers for the last quarter of 2023 are calculated, historical lows in poverty levels will be seen.

According to the President, the decrease in poverty can be attributed to an increase in employment, growth in salaries, and a reduction in inflation levels. He also noted that monetary poverty is now lower than pre-2020 levels, with sectors such as women and rural residents benefiting from this improvement.

Additionally, Abinader announced that the country has reached a new “record” in foreign investment levels, jumping from just over 4,000 million dollars in 2022 to 4,200 million dollars in 2023. This surge in foreign investment demonstrates the high level of confidence that foreign investors have in the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, the country’s reserve levels have reached 15,457.7 million dollars, approximately 13% of the gross domestic producer, earning praise from international organizations.

In response to recent tragic events, Abinader also advocated for tougher penalties for heinous crimes, citing the case of an eight-year-old boy in Verón, Punta Cana, who was a victim of violence from his aunt. The President expressed the view that such crimes warrant harsher penalties, emphasizing that “this woman would not pay for [her crime] even with 200 years in prison.” This statement was made in response to the arrest of Carmen Jiménez and González Valentín Rojas for the death of the eight-year-old boy, who was under the care of Jiménez when the tragic incident occurred.

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The President’s statements on these various issues were made during the weekly La Semanal meeting, which he heads every Monday. The meeting addresses pressing matters facing the Dominican Republic and serves as a platform for the President to communicate with the media, government officials, and the public on key issues.

Overall, Abinader’s announcements reflect the government’s ongoing efforts to address poverty, attract foreign investment, and enhance public safety in the Dominican Republic.

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