Home » Maduro calls Milei a “historical mistake,” who takes it as praise

Maduro calls Milei a “historical mistake,” who takes it as praise

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Maduro calls Milei a “historical mistake,” who takes it as praise

Javier Milei, on August 13, 2023.

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileysaid this Tuesday that he is “on the right path” if the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduroconsiders it a “historical error”, as he did the day before in his annual message to the National Assembly.

«I didn’t expect SUCH PRAISE (sic)…!!!», the president wrote on his social network account edition of the World Economic Forum.

By sharing a video in which the Venezuelan leader is seen during his speech on Monday before Parliament, Milei argued that his policies are “on the right path” if Maduro, whom he refers to as an “impoverishing socialist”, thinks of him which is “a historical error in Latin America.”

He closed the publication with his now famous slogan: «LONG LIVE FUCKING FREEDOM (sic)».

Milei plans to arrive this afternoon in the town located in the Swiss Alps, where tomorrow, Wednesday, he will speak at the Forum with a half-hour presentation about his libertarian ideas in the economy.

It will be presented by Klaus Schwabfounder and CEO of World Economic Forum(WEFin English), organizing institution of the conclave.

Maduro referred this Monday to his Argentine counterpart, whom he described as a “fatal error” in the history of his country and Latin America, due to his economic policies, especially the reduction of the State applied by the leader of Freedom Advances in the South American nation.

«I do not aspire for you to rectify it, but I do hope that this message reaches you, that you are wrong (…) You are a mistake in the history of Latin America, Milei, a fatal mistake in the history of Argentina»Maduro said.

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The socialist leader criticized that Milei, in power since last December 10, has eliminated several ministries with the belief that “by shrinking the State, prosperity will be born by spontaneous generation.”

«You are wrong, Milei (…) you who were put in Argentina to destroy the rule of law, to destroy the State, to destroy all social and labor rights, to destroy the national economy and to colonize Argentina and hand it over. “knees to North American imperialism”held.

The rise of the ultraliberal to power meant an ideological fracture in the relations between Caracas and Buenos Aires, which experienced tensions during the Presidency of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), which were normalized again during the mandate of Alberto Fernandez, which just ended. EFE (I)

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