Home » Macron wants to limit screen time for children and introduce school uniforms

Macron wants to limit screen time for children and introduce school uniforms

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Macron wants to limit screen time for children and introduce school uniforms

Macron wants to limit screen time for children and introduce school uniforms

Emmanuel Macron


French President Emmanuel Macron wants to limit children’s screen time and introduce school uniforms as a test. Based on recommendations from experts, the government will draw up rules for the “sensible use of screens” in the family and at school, Macron said at a major press conference in Paris on Tuesday evening. “There may be bans and restrictions on content.”

The uniform should initially be tested in 100 schools on a voluntary basis and possibly introduced nationwide in 2026, said Macron. “Uniform clothing can eliminate inequalities between families and increase respect.” The issue has been discussed in France for several months. The new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal also spoke out in favor of it during his time as Education Minister.

Macron also announced six months of “better paid” parental leave that can be taken by both parents. To date, parents in France have taken significantly less parental leave than parents in Germany because this is associated with significant financial losses. Fathers often only take a few days or weeks off after the birth of a child.

The President announced that social studies should be taught more in schools in the future in order to introduce students to “the important texts of the Republic”. In the future, compulsory theater lessons will be planned for middle school students. “It gives you self-confidence,” said Macron, who played theater in his youth. He also thinks it makes sense for all elementary school students to learn the national anthem.

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Service to the nation should soon be mandatory for young people, said Macron. “Every generation should learn what the Republic means.”

Macron also indirectly expressed his confidence in his newly appointed Education Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. “The choice of school is a private matter,” he emphasized, referring to the allegations against the minister, whose children attended an expensive elite school. The minister had drawn criticism because she justified this with a less than credible explanation.

When asked how Macron wanted to slow the rise of the right-wing populist party Rassemblement National (RN), Macron said: “We have to tackle what gets them votes.” These included the decline of industry and the fight against illegal immigration. “We are responding, but it is not enough,” he admitted. Macron accused the RN of making unfinanceable promises. “It is a party of lies,” said Macron.

Macron also reaffirmed his decisive nuclear policy. He said he wanted to present a plan for the construction of the next eight nuclear power plants in the summer.

Macron’s press conference was broadcast live by several broadcasters and was expected to last around two hours. The opposition criticized this format. “This is reminiscent of the days of state television, how the president gained access to living rooms,” said the socialist parliamentary group leader in the Senate, Patrick Kanner, to the broadcaster Public Sénat. It was Macron’s first appointment in this format since 2019.



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