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Sonja Berger offers support for seniors in Thierhaupten and the surrounding area

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Sonja Berger offers support for seniors in Thierhaupten and the surrounding area

Life helper in Thierhaupten – Sonja Berger

Thierhaupten, January 16, 2024. Old people who need help in everyday life have been actively supported by the senior life helpers for many years. Thanks to life helper Sonja Berger, who started in January 2024, seniors can now finally get help in Thierhaupten. The freelance life helpers at Senior Citizens’ Life Help lend a hand where it is needed – always with the aim of ensuring that older people can lead a self-determined life.

Pre-nursing care for seniors in their own home

Around 10 years ago, married couple Carola and Benjamin Braun founded Senior Citizens’ Life Support with the intention of closing the gap in care for seniors who do not or only partially require care. Because if you don’t get help from a nursing service, you may no longer be able to cope with all aspects of everyday life and would have to move into a home. The senior life helpers come to the senior’s home and always travel in their own car so that they can help in a variety of ways.

This is what Senior Citizens’ Life Assistance does for “their” seniors

For many seniors, it starts with housework no longer being so easy. Cleaning, tidying up, doing laundry and more – life helpers can take care of all of this. But the life helpers are more than just household help. They do the shopping, take care of postal and administrative matters, drive the seniors to the doctor and other appointments, actively organize their free time and, above all, are there as a contact person for all matters. The life helpers also offer great relief for relatives, so that they can enjoy moments with their parents or grandparents in a more relaxed manner.

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From now on, Sonja Berger will be helping seniors in Thierhaupten in their everyday lives

As a trained educator, Ms. Sonja Berger has always enjoyed working a lot with people. She then worked as a saleswoman in a stationery store. There she had many conversations with seniors and was able to gain her first experiences. She knows that a big, often unrecognized problem for older people is loneliness: when children and other relatives live far away or are very busy at work, seniors are often left alone. This is where Sonja Berger steps in as a life support worker at the Senior Life Help Center in Thierhaupten. Not only does she actively help wherever it is needed, but she is also there as a human being: with understanding, calm and patience, she ensures that her seniors can enjoy a self-determined, dignified retirement.

Further information about the Senior Life Support service

Further information about the work of the Senior Life Help can be found online at www.seniorenlebenshilfe.de and Lebenshelfer Thierhaupten. The new life helper Sonja Berger also introduces herself there in detail. Senior Life Help is a registered trademark of Salanje GmbH. Carola Braun and her family, who actively support her in her work, are always striving to expand the team of life helpers even further. Because even more dedicated life helpers are needed to make the Senior Life Support service available to all interested older people. If you are interested in this activity, you can also find further information online.


Sonja Berger

Altenbacher Weg 7

86672 Thierhaupten

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Senior living assistance

Salanje GmbH

Ahrweilerstr. 29

D-14197 Berlin

Press contact:

Benjamin Brown

T: 030-83221100

E: [email protected]

Senior Life Support offers everyday support for seniors. A life helper supports you in everyday life, with shopping, accompanies you to the doctor and also organizes your free time with the seniors. A car is also always available.

Senior living assistance
Benjamin Brown
Ahrweilerstr. 29
14197 Berlin

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