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Salvini: “Cdx united”. Truzzu in Sardinia. Here’s what you get in return

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Salvini: “Cdx united”.  Truzzu in Sardinia.  Here’s what you get in return

‘Save-Zaia’? The crux of the third mandate after the European elections. The votes will count, as he wrote yesterday Affaritaliani.it

Reading the newspapers this morning, Wednesday 17 January, it seemed that the Centre-right was on the verge of a total rupture on the issue of the Regionals with Matteo Salvini ready to make war. Instead, the Northern League deputy prime minister in Agorà on Rai3, in fact, confirmed what he wrote yesterday Affaritaliani.it.

“For me, in principle it is always better to support the outgoing person” whether he is a mayor or a governor, but “the unity of the centre-right is something that Italians have chosen and are asking of us. In the name of coalition unity we will absolutely find an agreement” on the candidacies, in particular for the Regional elections. “At a local level in the center right there are many valid people” to run “as mayor or as governor”. “I spoke with Giorgia (Meloni) – he adds – discussing the government agenda , I updated you on what I do as a minister with great satisfaction. Then obviously we talked about Regionals, we plan to go together and win like in 2023.”

The translation of these words is that the League will support Paolo Truzzo, mayor of Cagliari of Fratelli d’Italia, as candidate for the presidency of the Sardinia region. And this is clear when Salvini states that “in principle it is always better to support the outgoing party”, i.e. Christian Solinas, but “the unity of the centre-right is something that the Italians have chosen and are asking of us”. And so ok to Truzzu.

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The other major issue is the abolition of the two-term constraint for governors which would allow Luca Zaia to run again in Veneto in 2025. Here too Salvini was soft. The third mandate “in my opinion is a factor of democracy, of freedom of choice. If a mayor is good and a citizen appreciates him and votes for him, why cut him off? There is no limit of two mandates for the parliamentarian, therefore the minister the League will continue this battle. Which is not on the market: I read in the newspapers ‘Salvini gives up the municipality or the Region’, we are not at risk. In my opinion, the third mandate is a question of democracy”.

Translation: as he wrote yesterday Affaritaliani.it, Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia they have many doubts and everything will depend on the Northern League’s result at the European elections, both nationally and in Veneto, where Meloni has Luca De Carlo, FdI senator and regional coordinator of the party, in mind.

Salvini, however, brings home the landing in the Senate of thedifferentiated autonomy and in fact he claims it: “Autonomy is foreseen by the Constitution and then it is an incentive to run.” This is an acceleration of Minister Roberto Calderoli’s law which led the Pd and M5S to shout “I’m splitting Italy”, even talking about a repeal referendum. For the League, the green light at least from Palazzo Madama before the European Championships is important to try to recover votes in the North, especially in Veneto and Lombardy.

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Roberto Vannacci “He is a person I respect”, the Northern League secretary then reiterated. Will you nominate him for the European elections? “We’re talking about it,” he replied.

And finally the case of the end of life in Veneto. “My position is clear, life must be protected from before the cradle to the end”, as regards the Veneto there was a vote on the end of life and “this is democracy and in democracy the no’s won. I would have voted even in that sense there, fortunately the League is not a barracks and there is freedom of thought. For me it’s good that it ended like this.”

Ultimately, in summary, Salvini absolutely does not break the Centre-Right, 99.99% will accept Truzzu in Sardinia, he obtains the reconfirmation of Donatella Tesei in Umbria and the start of differentiated autonomy at Palazzo Madama. When to the norm ‘save-Zaia’ everything postponed until after the outcome of the European Championships. They will count the numbers to understand if Veneto will remain in the League or go to Fratelli d’Italia.

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