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Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf: “We enjoy spending time together in the mornings”

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Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf: “We enjoy spending time together in the mornings”

Tennis Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf

“We enjoy spending time together in the mornings”

As of: 5:52 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

Sport’s dream couple: tennis heroes Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi

Source: picture alliance/dpa/AP/John Locher

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We haven’t heard from them for a long time: Tennis heroes Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi are enjoying their family life together away from the public eye. Not much comes out. Agassi’s words are all the more astonishing.

This time the Australian Open is not just about the tennis stars and child prodigies. Now two former stars of this sport are also in focus: Andre Agassi talks about his relationship with Steffi Graf.

Agassi said in the Eurosport interview: “She just has it. Just like always. She beats me at everything.” He is referring to the question of how his wife does in pickleball, a mixture of tennis, badminton and table tennis. A sport that the eight-time Grand Slam winner loves. And he infected his wife with his enthusiasm for it.

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Back then they were far from being a couple: Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf presented their trophies during the Wimbledon Champions Dinner on July 5, 1992

Those: picture-alliance/dpa/PA

Agassi and the German tennis legend have been a couple since 1999 and have been married since 2001. Together they are parents to son Jaden (22) and daughter Jaz (20). They have lived together in Las Vegas since 2011. However, not much is known about the former tennis stars. They largely isolate themselves, rarely appear in public and hardly give interviews. His open words now are all the more surprising.

“Steffi doesn’t need an alarm clock – she is the alarm clock”

Agassi says that Steffi Graf is still fit. When asked what it’s like when the two play together, he says: “It’s perfect. I like to hit balls and she likes to run (laughs). She turns it into a workout – and I just hit a few balls.”

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After more than 20 years of marriage, the two still seem close. Agassi: “We enjoy spending time together in the mornings.”

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And he says: “Steffi doesn’t need an alarm clock – she is the alarm clock. That is German Engineering, German thoroughness. She is always on time. She gets up between 5:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. every day, and I get up just a few minutes later. I start the day a little more leisurely, but she is in great shape early in the morning.”

Rare appearance: Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi at the 2008 German Media Prize award ceremony

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Quelle: picture alliance/SvenSimon/Malte Ossowski/SVEN SIMON

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