Home » They ask kidnappers for proof of Jefferson Murillo’s life

They ask kidnappers for proof of Jefferson Murillo’s life

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Silvio Murillo, father of the departmental registrar of Chocó, Jefferson Elías Murillo Mosquera, asked those responsible for his son’s kidnapping for a sign of life.

On the afternoon of January 6, Jefferson Elías was kidnapped along with his cousin, Blyderson Arboleda Montañez, a Sena official, when they were traveling in a vehicle on the Quibdó-Istmina road, in the Ranchería sector.

Five armed and hooded individuals forced them to get out of the vehicle to take them through a wooded area.

It has been 11 days since this kidnapping and the father of the registrar not only confirmed that the kidnappers have not established contact with the family, but also requested proof of his son’s life. The reasons for the plagiarism are unknown at this time.

“It is a practice that is not desired on any human being. It’s a humiliation we’re going through. “They haven’t even contacted us.”

The official’s family is not only worried about not knowing his whereabouts, but their anguish is growing as they do not understand why he was kidnapped along with his cousin.

“There is no reason for the kidnappers to continue holding these two young people whose only desire in life is to live and continue providing a social service to the Colombian people,” said Jefferson Murillo’s father.

According to the National Police, the criminal gang ‘Los Zetas’ would be responsible for the kidnapping of the two officials.

Although the investigations of the case are progressing, after 11 days of the kidnapping, the causes of the kidnapping and the location of Murillo and Arboleda are unknown.

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It is expected that there will be contact between the kidnappers and his family and that they will provide proof of life and thus know the reasons for the kidnapping.

The post They ask kidnappers for proof of Jefferson Murillo’s life appeared first on Chocó7días.com.

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