Home » “Open a channel with the Red Brigades for Moro”. The order for Cossiga came from the USA

“Open a channel with the Red Brigades for Moro”. The order for Cossiga came from the USA

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“Open a channel with the Red Brigades for Moro”.  The order for Cossiga came from the USA

Moro kidnapping, the “involvement” of the USA and the negotiation with the Red Brigades. Cossiga’s secret cards

On the kidnapping and death of Aldo Moro everything has been said and many remain mystery behind those facts, but new “top secret” documents coming from Usa and intended for the former Interior Minister Cossiga, now add an additional (and absolutely new) element to the intricate story. They were classified”confidential” the three typed sheets in which, in English, we read: “Even on this very late day – the US authorities write and Il Corriere della Sera reports it – it would still be possible open reserved channels and directly reliable by the authorities (the government or the Christian Democratic Party) to Red Brigades? To be useful, such channels would require total control and discretion by the Italian authorities, with interlocutors clearly identified on both sides”. It cannot be ruled out that the American side was advised to contact the police to do them expose to investigations.

Source: Corriere della Sera

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On the forty-fourth of the 55 days of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, to the Minister of the Interior Francesco Cossiga – continues Il Corriere – arrived from the United States the suggestion to look for “channels” of communication with the Red Brigades, the group that held the president of the Christian Democrats prisoner. There solicitation corresponds the opposite of what it appeared on the outside was wanted in 1978 by our country’s main political-military ally. Three sheets of paper are not enough to change the meaning of the story. As evidenced by the facts, Washington was a supporter, and not a marginal one, of the “line of firmness” which brought the Italian Republic not to negotiate on liberation of the hostage. But among the papers of the former head of state and owner of the Interior Ministry collected in the “Francesco Cossiga Fund”, there is a sort of additional snapshot of the Moro kidnapping. A detail that didn’t appear in an equally defined manner in previous shots, the most popular ones, of one of the cases of greater anxiety for institutions in republican history.

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