Home » Ciudad del Este is the most affected by dengue cases and registers the highest larval infestation

Ciudad del Este is the most affected by dengue cases and registers the highest larval infestation

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Ciudad del Este is the most affected by dengue cases and registers the highest larval infestation

The crews to eliminate mosquito breeding sites are unable to cope with the lack of citizen participation.

The regional head of the National Malaria Eradication Service (SENEPA), Aníbal Báez, confirmed that this week there was a considerable increase in positive cases and notifications of suspected Dengue in the department of Alto Paraná. He indicated that, from having 10 notifications on average, there are now up to 50 reports from the Epidemiology Directorate, which confirms patients with symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, and others classified as probable dengue. Báez stressed that the only effective way to prevent those affected from continuing to increase is by eliminating breeding sites, which is why he asked for the support of the citizens.

Báez confirmed that there is an uptick in positive cases of dengue, as well as suspected notifications in Alto Paraná. The official indicated that the majority of those affected are from Ciudad del Este, which has almost reached 100 positive cases for the disease. He added that this agrees with the percentage of infestation, since the capital of Esteña is the one that also currently registers the most larval contamination.

Báez clarified that Ciudad del Este and Presidente Franco are located in sector one, and are the areas where the highest number of dengue positives have been confirmed to date. He commented that, in total, the department is divided into 8 sectors, in which he assured, they work hard to eliminate breeding sites as the main strategy to prevent the proliferation of cases. Likewise, he pointed out that the work includes focal fumigation with backpacks, and also, spatial fumigation, which is carried out with vehicles, in areas where suspects are detected.

The regional director of SENEPA explained that, to go to the neighborhoods where those affected live, it is necessary for the patients to consult and be classified as probable, which corresponds to the Department of Epidemiology, which is subsequently responsible for sending the patient files. suspects to SENEPA, so that they can carry out searches for other infected people, and the corresponding blockades.

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Given this, Báez urged patients to come to consult when they present symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, and others, so that the aforementioned protocol can be executed. As well as so that they receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Finally, he insisted on the need for citizens to join them, to face together a frontal fight against the mosquito that transmits evils. He indicated that, from the institution under his charge, they are trying to contain the infestation, because it is the only most effective form of prevention, since only if we eliminate the breeding sites, will we not have the evils, he maintained.

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