Home » 2026 Olympics, the Pizzarotti group is there to build the bobsleigh track in Cortina. The next steps and the IOC’s doubts: what can happen

2026 Olympics, the Pizzarotti group is there to build the bobsleigh track in Cortina. The next steps and the IOC’s doubts: what can happen

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2026 Olympics, the Pizzarotti group is there to build the bobsleigh track in Cortina.  The next steps and the IOC’s doubts: what can happen

She has arrived an offer for the bob track for them Winter Olympics Of Milan-Cortina 2026as anticipated by the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia. It’s about the Pizzarotti group Of Parma. one of the giants of construction in Italy, with a share capital of 347 million euros, of which 250 million have been paid up. Interviewed by ilfattoquotidiano.itthe parent company, located in via Adorni, in the Emilian capital, responded not wanting to release no statement.

The governor of Veneto spoke. shortly after midday, on the sidelines of a press conference in Veneziaconfirming that it has been submitted an offer for the construction of the contested and controversial one bobsled, skeleton and luge track Of Cortina. The president of the regional council is also the only one to declare something, given that at the moment the mouths of the other subjects involved in the management of the Olympic Games winter 2026. Milan Cortina Infrastructure Company (Simian), which is the contracting authority, did not release no press releasenot even to confirm the arrival of an offer, thus respecting the silence imposed by the procedure which now provides for the appointment of one commission to evaluate the company requirements, as well as technical and economic offers. Silence also from Milan Cortina Foundationwhich will have to organize the Winter games and that she is a spectator in this affair, as she said Giovanni Malagòpresident of Coni.

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In fact, it is Simico, the government company administered by the extraordinary commissioner, who has to make the facility available for the bobsleigh races Luigivalerio Sant’Andrea. And so it seems like she had a first success the decision of Matteo Salvini to take the field promoting a new shortened runway in the coststo guarantee margins profit to competing companies. The deadline for the tender, published on 29 December, was expected to 12pm on January 18thwith offers to be submitted exclusively electronically, on a platform of the Ministry of Infrastructure, compared to an auction base to be 81.6 million euros (but the actual cost will be over 120 million euros). Zaia’s words, the most tenacious supporter of the project to make it from scratch oldEugenio Monti” at the foot of the Tofane, however, still remember the outcome of the renamed operation Cortina 2 light is still uncertain: “We will first try to understand if the company exists, if it has the title, if it has all the requirements and if there are guarantees”. The first step will therefore concern the consistency of the economic entity (perhaps in a group) that has come forward. “After that we will be able to say that, if the International Olympic Committee accepts, the bob can be made. But we will have to understand this based on the guarantees that will be given on the timing.”

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Zaia’s notation is important, because the IOC should concede important exceptions with respect to the delivery terms set by Olympic dossier by mid-November 2024. It’s all about the times. It is impossible for the track to be made for the 2024it will be proposed to the IOC to accept an extension up to March 2025 for pre-homologation ea mid-October 2025 for final delivery, so as to accommodate the test event in autumn. So, it takes an extra year. No one is certain that it will be accepted this solution, given that the Committee has already said it prefers it existing systems and warned not to build “cathedrals in the desert”. And in the morning a new one arrived shower arrow dal Cio. The Executive Director of the Olympic Games, Christophe Lookstated: “Our position is unequivocal. From the beginning we believed this venue was extremely complex in terms of costs, future and timing. We have promoted the use of one track existing”.

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Zaia’s last clarification refers precisely to this, further doubt: “In any case, the track will only be built in the conditions in which it will be used to host the Olympic Games”. She thus excluded the indiscretions according to which the works could start even if there is no certainty that the work will be completed in time for the tenders February 2026. Even if theAnsa provides an opposite version: it is a contract for a public work cover by funds statewrites the press agency, referring to its sources, in the event of an award it will be built in any caseeven if the Cio should not give favorable opinion to the new Italian project.

What will happen now? Simico will appoint a commission responsible for verify of the offer and of the person who proposed it. Within 15 days will have to proceed with the possible award of the project, which is smaller in terms of services and finishes than the original one which was not found last summer no business willing to take the risk of realization. Meanwhile the January 22nd is scheduled forShareholders’ Meeting of Fondazione Milano Cortina, on 30 January cda of the same Foundation. There is still the possibility of renovate the decommissioned plant Cesana Pariol (Totino), but at this point it should be setwith all due respect to Antonio Tajani e Forza Italia who supported her. As Malagò explained, “the conclusion of the story will be between on January 30th and February 6th”, but the favorable opinions of the International federations of sliding sports. A still bumpy path and fromuncertain outcome. E Luana Zanellapresident of the Greens and Left Alliance parliamentary group in the Chamber, comments: “The only certainty is the constraints of the IOCthe only novelty is Zaia’s caution, in a hypothesis that can only be included in the pharaonic projects and destructive by Matteo Salvini”.

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Article updated by the editorial staff at 6.00 pm on January 18th

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