Home » Udinese-Milan, Cioffi: “Okoye plays. Davis out. Giannetti has half an hour”

Udinese-Milan, Cioffi: “Okoye plays. Davis out. Giannetti has half an hour”

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Udinese-Milan, Cioffi: “Okoye plays.  Davis out.  Giannetti has half an hour”

The Juventus coach presented the match tomorrow evening at 8.45pm against Pioli’s Rossoneri in a press conference

Gabriele Cioffi, Udinese coach, spoke at a press conference ahead of the match against Milan, scheduled for Saturday at 8.45pm. The beginning involved the return to the group of Payero: Payero is very well, he recovered, it was more of a precautionary choice. They’re almost all fine because Davis had a strain and won’t be there.”

On the goalkeeper: “Who plays in goal? Okoye. Even though my opinion on Silvestri’s importance doesn’t change.”

Su Lovric: Lovric has regained his condition and so we are finding it at the top again. The goal tomorrow is to make the club and fans proud.”

Your Pereyra: “It’s giving me a lot of satisfaction in the attacking midfield. The conflict I have is finding the right moment to deploy the two strikers, but for now Pereyra is doing well there.”

Su Zemura e Kamara: “I demand from him more anger and maliceit’s growing and I’m sure Kamara will have a great game because he’s seeing him come back. From Hassane I expect what I expect from the whole team, a bad, tough match, because the opponent we face deserves this.”

On Lautaro Giannetti: “He’s better than I thought, he had a long break and I see him ready, he probably doesn’t have ninety minutes yet. I see it ready, for a timeI think half an hour can give us something.”

His Deulofeu: We have three champions, Thauvin, Pereyra and Deulofeu. I have a relationship like with all his companions, he doesn’t experience the camp and suffers, it kills him. He’s a professional, he’s continuing to work hard, we have a small bet up for grabs which I hope to collect on SundayI hear from him a couple of times a week.”

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January 19, 2024 (modified January 19, 2024 | 4:38 pm)

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