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Renaming the stadium is being discussed: This is what the Beckenbauer memorial ceremony was like in the Munich Arena

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Renaming the stadium is being discussed: This is what the Beckenbauer memorial ceremony was like in the Munich Arena

As of: January 19, 2024 4:51 p.m

Tens of thousands watched the funeral service for the late Franz Beckenbauer in the Munich Arena in the stadium or in the live broadcast. The memorial service, all speeches, emotional moments and tributes to read, watch and listen to.

At a large memorial ceremony in the Munich Arena, representatives from politics and sport, fans and joy say goodbye to Franz Beckenbauer.

4:18 p.m.: The funeral service for Franz Beckenbauer is over.

4:16 p.m.: Bastian Schweinsteiger is a guest in the Blickpunkt sports studio: ā€œYou think a lot about Franz Beckenbauer. It was very emotional. Very significant ā€“ I will never forget that.ā€ Schweinsteiger describes the ā€œEmperorā€ with the words: ā€œHe passed on his wisdom. He was super friendly. He had a lightness and elegance in his being. Everything he touched turned to gold.ā€ When asked what Schweinsteiger would tell his children about Beckenbauer, he said: ā€œThat he was the greatest. The greatest that ever existed in football.ā€

Schweinsteiger says that Beckenbauer was, first and foremost, a wise person: ā€œEvery word he said was very important to you. When he said something, I always pricked up my ears.ā€

4:11 p.m.: Another opera piece for the opera fan Beckenbauer. Star tenor Jonas Kaufmann with ā€œNessun dormaā€.

4:10 p.m.: Cardinal Reinhard Marx blesses the bereaved. The sun is shining on Franz Beckenbauerā€™s family.

4:06 p.m.: HoeneƟ: Emotional speech, personal anecdotes and a political statement

Touching last words in Uli HoeneƟā€™s speech: ā€œDear Franz, youā€™ve been dead for twelve days now. And to be honest: I miss you very much. Rest in peace. A peace that you unfortunately havenā€™t had in the same form in recent years ā€œYou could enjoy it like you deserved it.ā€

3:52 p.m.: The emotional climax of the memorial service: his close confidant Uli HoeneƟ approaches the lectern. ā€œIf you had a problem, you went to Franz. He stood up for us. That was one of his most important qualities, that he cared about others. He was always there for others.ā€ (ā€¦) We are in a particularly beautiful stadium today. ā€œIt would never have been built if Franz hadnā€™t brought the World Cup to Germany,ā€ says HoeneƟ and those present clap. ā€œAll of us in Germany can be proud that we have, on average, the most beautiful stadiums. Just because we had the 2006 World Cup here.ā€ HoeneƟ makes a political statement: Germany must do a better job of being proud of its country again. ā€“ ā€œBut without the AfD,ā€ says HoeneƟ.

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3.40 p.m.: Markus Sƶder: ā€œOne of the greatest Bavariansā€

Bavariaā€™s Prime Minister Markus Sƶder steps up to the lectern: ā€œFranz Beckenbauer is dead. Was that such a shock for you too?ā€ asks the CSU politician at the beginning. ā€œEach of us associates the story of Franz Beckenbauer with personal memories. The history of FC Bayern and that of Franz Beckenbauer are inextricably linked.ā€ Sƶder praised Beckenbauer with the words ā€œone of the very greatest Bavariansā€.

3:38 p.m.: An unplanned action: those present stand up, clap and whistle. This is how Franz Beckenbauer is said to have wished for his farewell: with atmosphere ā€“ as one is used to in football stadiums.

3:23 p.m.: ā€œThank you for everythingā€ ā€“ applause for the Federal Presidentā€™s words

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier takes the lectern: ā€œI donā€™t know whether the angels in heaven play sports. But if they do, then they heard the Bavarian voice: ā€˜Letā€™s go out and play footballā€™ (..) The voice of the emperor. The Voice of Franz Beckenbauer.ā€ (ā€¦) ā€œFranz Beckenbauer was known all over the world, he was admired all over the world. We are not only saying goodbye to a great footballer, but also to a great person.ā€

Steinmeier continued: ā€œThank you Franz Beckenbauer, thank you for everything!ā€ said Steinmeier and those present applauded. ā€œHe not only gave this country a summer football fairytale, but he also gave us a new, friendly look at ourselves and we wonā€™t forget that. (ā€¦) He has made a great contribution to our countryā€ ā€“ the words are once again applauded of the Federal President. At the end, Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed his condolences for the grieving family around Beckenbauerā€™s widow Heidi.

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3:17 p.m.: Opera singer Jonas Kaufmann sings another piece: ā€œE piĆ¹ ti pensoā€.

3:08 p.m.: ā€œFranz brought the shineā€

The first speaker of the afternoon is Herbert Hainer, President of FC Bayern Munich: ā€œFranz was a friend of everyone (ā€¦) He would have been happy that so many people came together for him. But Franz would also have said: ā€˜What? You Are you all here because of me?'ā€ (ā€¦) ā€œThe entire football world became darker. (ā€¦) The world looked up to him, but he never looked down from above. (ā€¦) Mia san Franz. (.. .) We will miss him. The Bayern president continued: ā€œFC Bayern will always remain an empire ā€“ forever.ā€

3:01 p.m.: Moderator and stadium announcer Stephan Lehmann welcomes those present. After the welcoming words, star tenor Jonas Kaufmann sings the Italian version of ā€œTime to say Goodbyeā€ (ā€œCon te partiroā€). Important companions of Beckenbauer take to the pitch ā€“ including Bastian Schweinsteiger, Paul Breitner, Berti Vogts and Lothar MatthƤus.

Berti Vogts and Paul Breitner at the memorial service

3 p.m.: The stadium fills up. The sun shines into the Munich arena. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Sƶder and Uli HoeneƟ are already sitting in the stands. Many other representatives from sports and politics have arrived.

2.50 p.m.: FC Bayern players arrived

Numerous FC Bayern Munich players have now arrived. Coach Thomas Tuchelā€™s team ended the short training camp in Portugal earlier than planned in order to be able to take part in the memorial service.

2.45 p.m.: Marcus Hƶfl as a guest in the Blickpunkt sports studio

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In the stadium, the wreaths are carried onto the field. Meanwhile, Beckenbauerā€™s long-time manager and confidant Marcus Hƶfl is a guest at the Blickpunkt sports studio. He speaks of ā€œshockā€ and ā€œsadnessā€, but also that it helped to have to organize the memorial service. ā€œThe gratitude and happiness about what we have experienced will prevail,ā€ says Hƶfl. ā€œI have known Franz for 45 years and have worked with him for a long time. I was one of the people he trusted the most.ā€

2.30 p.m.: While the fans arrive at the stadium and the supporting program begins, Olaf Thon, Christian Neureuther and Franz ā€œBulleā€ Roth are guests in Esther Sedlaczekā€™s Blickpunkt sports studio.

Christian Neureuther says in the studio: ā€œI heard in the last few days that someone said that Franz in heaven plays football with PelĆ©. But I think heā€™ll go skiing with Rosi and then play football with PelĆ©.ā€

Beckenbauer died on January 7th at the age of 78. FC Bayern now invites you to say goodbye to the unforgettable ā€˜Kaiserā€™ in a special, emotional setting,ā€ as the club announced.

Source: BR24Sport on the radio January 11, 2024 ā€“ 3:55 p.m

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