Home » TÜV advises you to be particularly careful with smartwatches etc.

TÜV advises you to be particularly careful with smartwatches etc.

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TÜV advises you to be particularly careful with smartwatches etc.

Whether during sports, in everyday life or for sleep – smart fitness trackers accompany many people through life almost around the clock and record what is going on in their bodies. What is a great feature for fitness goals, however, poses a major security risk. Wearables like smartwatches are not the only problem.

TÜV advises: Take a close look at fitness gadgets

For devices that record practically your entire life, the Data protection is not just a side issue be. Smartwatches and Fitness braceletsthat are connected to the smartphone, but also smart exercise bikes or body scales with smart functions should pay close attention to the data collected. At least this is the opinion of the TÜV association, which warns that this is often not given sufficient attention.

“Since smart fitness devices are often connected to the Internet or store personal movement and health data there, it is worth it too to take cybersecurity into account,” explains Marc Fliehe, Head of Department for Digitalization and Education at the TÜV Association. According to him, consumers should “Pay particular attention to the correct setup and safe use of the devices.”

If cyber criminals gain access to information about locations, names, but also weight data, evaluations of sleep analyzes etc. via possible vulnerabilities – such as data stored online and not adequately protected – they could threaten publication or try to blackmail those affected, the TÜV is concerned -Experts.

What users should pay attention to when it comes to fitness trackers etc

According to the TÜV, if you still want to use the fitness aids, you should keep a few things in mind:

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Check access rights of devices and apps: Smart devices or apps should only be able to access other devices or the Internet if it is essential to their function. However, access to other areas of the smartphone – such as contacts or photos – should not be permitted. In addition, if possible, the internet should not be used in the background, but only when the app or device is active. You can make the appropriate settings in the app permissions on your smartphone.
Use strong passwords or PINs: If possible, individual devices should be password protected. This applies to your home WiFi network and your own smartphone anyway. But the intermediate devices should also be individually secure.
Keep devices up to date: The encryption of connections, for example via Bluetooth or other services, should also use a high security standard. Interfaces for communication between devices should, if possible, only be active when they are being used. At best, manufacturers offer security updates for as long as possible in order to keep encryption and interface security up to date.

Is your home gym still missing something? Here you will find a few practical tips:

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In addition to the data security of applications and devices, The TÜV generally warns against the fitness hype. The data should be viewed as a guide only. However, for reliable information, sports enthusiasts and everyday users should seek medical advice.

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