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“Excruciating pains, I can neither walk nor stay still”

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Complex regional pain syndrome. This is the name of the pathology that has forced us for about a year and a half Antonio Pizzarella in bed, amidst incessant pains that make any activity impossible. Born in Padua 26 years ago, Antonio graduated in International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Bologna, but his dreams have been broken by this condition of chronic neuropathic pain that haunts him day and night, relentlessly. Antonio then decided to rely on social media, telling his story, in the hope that someone can help him find a way to get out of this – apparently – dead end tunnel.

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Antonio Pizzarella, the desperate appeal on social media

«Antonio Pizzarella is very ill – writes on Facebook Jacopo Esposito, a friend of the 26-year-old – He suffers from complex regional pain syndrome, and recently a surgical operation has severely complicated his situation. This chronic neuropathic pain has been forcing him to bed for over a year and a half now. ”

«Antonio and his parents have tried many: visits to many Italian hospitals, doctors who are experts on the subject who have given their opinions on the subject, psychologists and psychiatrists have visited him to rule out a mental pathology. Finally, in January 2021, a Belgian doctor (a luminary in the field of pudendal neuralgia) came to Italy and operated on the pudendal nerve, unfortunately without any improvement. His condition at the moment is critical and he seeks help. Both his family and us, his friends, we no longer know what to do to help him ».

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Antonio’s last message

The friend also reports the last message received from Antonio, which resounds like a desperate cry for help: «My face hurts so much, the neuralgia extends to my teeth. I am much worse than January. I was hoping to improve but I was an idiot not to be treated in May-June when things started to go downhill again. I was afraid of being treated after all that I had been through and in the end I put up with it. Not now, guys, not now. I am desperate, despite the excruciating pain today I grinded miles at home because I could no longer sit still but now I can neither walk nor stay still. It is too far ahead now. I have increased the drugs to the maximum but nothing, and this time the various supplements are no longer effective. The carnitine has no effect since the nerve re-entangled. I can no longer hear any sound. I want to die”.

The Facebook post ends with an appeal: «I have Antonio’s medical record complete with every exam, operation, drugs used in recent months, infiltrations, acupuncture, the drug therapy he is following in this period. I can send the file privately to any doctor who is interested in the situation. Now it’s up to you, give us a hand, comment, share, send this post on WhatsApp and Telegram so that it reaches as many people as possible. It takes a few seconds to share, but for Antonio it could make a difference ».

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