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It shook again in Colombia

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It shook again in Colombia

In the afternoon of this Sunday, Colombia was shaken by a new earthquake, according to reports from the Colombian Geological Service.

The tremor, with an initial recorded magnitude of 4.9, was later updated to 5.4. The epicenter was located in La Mesa de los Santos, Santanderthis municipality being known as one of the points most prone to seismic activity in the country.

The first report from the Colombian Geological Service was issued around 12:19 pm, indicating the initial magnitude of the earthquake. Los Santos, with only about 13,000 inhabitants, is recognized for being the second seismic nest in the worldsurpassing even the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, after the Hindu Kush region in Afghanistan.

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At an earlier time, at approximately 5:19 am, Another earthquake was also recorded in Los Santos, Santander, with a magnitude of 3.2 and a depth of 143 km. Municipalities near the epicenter include Los Santos (Santander) 8 km away, Jordán (Santander) 10 km away and Villanueva, in the same department, 15 km away.

Additionally, around 4:27 am, another 2.5 magnitude earthquake was experienced in Los Santos, at a depth of 136 kilometers. This phenomenon is common in the region, located in the Chicamocha canyon and recognized as the seismic nest of Bucaramanga, due to its proximity to the capital.

Despite the frequency of these events, the residents of Los Santos have learned to live with the daily shaking in their town, which is located about 60 kilometers from Bucaramanga.

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