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Erba hospital, working in uncertainty

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Erba hospital, working in uncertainty

The fate of the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Erba remains uncertain as the agreement for its sale to Lifenet is set to be finalized in mid-March. The 447 employees at the hospital are living in a climate of tension and uncertainty, with some doctors considering changing structures in light of the impending ownership change.

The friars currently residing at the hospital will leave by the end of January, while the finalization of the sale to Lifenet is expected in mid-March. The Fatebenefratelli will continue to support the new ownership for a few months following the sale to ensure an orderly handover.

The employees of the hospital have been working for a new company, Ospedale di Erba srl, since January 1st, but have yet to meet the future owners. The situation has left many feeling uncertain about their future at the hospital, as they face the possibility of changes in management and services offered.

It is reported that some doctors are seeking out alternative positions in search of more stable employment, given the current atmosphere of uncertainty. Union meetings have been organized to address the concerns of the employees, as they wait to learn more about the industrial plans of the new ownership.

The sale of the hospital to Lifenet, owned by the Exor degli Agnelli fund, brings about major changes for the employees and users of the Fatebenefratelli. With the finalization of the sale anticipated in March, all parties involved will soon learn more about the future plans for the hospital under new ownership.

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For now, the situation remains uncertain, and all parties involved are eagerly awaiting more information about the impending changes. The fate of the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Erba will be revealed in the coming months as the ownership transfer is completed.


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