Home » Government of Peru dismisses the commander of the Police and attributes “very serious negligence” to him

Government of Peru dismisses the commander of the Police and attributes “very serious negligence” to him

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Government of Peru dismisses the commander of the Police and attributes “very serious negligence” to him

The Government of Peru has removed Lieutenant General Jorge Luis Angulo Tejada from his position as general commander of the National Police, citing “very serious negligence” in the control and leadership of the institution. The Executive announced this decision in a resolution published in the Official Gazette.

According to the document, “very serious negligence has been evident in the control and command of the police institution by the current general commander of the National Police of Peru, which would constitute incompatibility and lack of suitability for the exercise of the position, making it necessary to terminate the appointment.”

CNN attempted to contact the dismissed commander but has not yet received a response.

The resolution also points out that despite the states of emergency declared in the country, crime rates have not decreased. It emphasizes the need for changes “to reverse this situation in order to achieve better planning and execution of the operational plans of the National Police.”

In September of last year, the Executive declared a state of emergency in three districts, two in Lima and one in Piura, citing the necessity to combat crime.

In a separate resolution published on Monday, the Government announced that Lieutenant General Víctor José Zanabria Angulo will take over as the new commander of the National Police.

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