Home » Napoli-Inter, referee Rapuano’s disaster? “Rating 4”. Slow motion sentence

Napoli-Inter, referee Rapuano’s disaster? “Rating 4”. Slow motion sentence

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Napoli-Inter, referee Rapuano’s disaster?  “Rating 4”.  Slow motion sentence

The referee Rapuano of the Inter-Napoli Super Cup final (photo Lapresse)

Napoli, De Laurentiis: “Officiating? Who knows what an embarrassment for Rocchi at the moment…”

The president of Napoli, Aurelio De Laurentiis on the refereeing of the Italian Super Cup final lost 1-0 against Inter with Lautaro’s goal in the final seconds (the Italian champion team played 10 against 11 in the last half hour for Simeone’s second yellow card): “I feel sorry for Rocchi, he is living a kind of nightmare. I don’t feel like documenting what may be the fans’ thoughts. The fan is always a fan, when I turn into a fan I can go down hard, but I don’t think there’s any need. The weakness of the referees this year, not only against Napoli, speaks for itself – explains Napoli’s number one to Sportmediaset – I’m sorry for Rocchi, before the match I thought who knows what embarrassment Rocchi will feel at this moment. When there is a competition, as much as it must remain as such, it is also a celebration. We are in Arabia, we had to promote ourselves through spectacular football. If you reduce me to ten, football is no longer spectacular. Then maybe I’m wrong in not making the substitutions in time, but there is another problem: the League doesn’t work in Italy. They changed the rules on warnings and expulsions, we pay for them in the league. This Super Cup, which counts for very little, ends up influencing the championship. The League that defends football companies is the enemy of the companies themselves.”

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Inter-Napoli, Rapuano referee? “Vote 4”, the slow motion video by Graziano Cesari

“I absolutely didn’t like Rapuano, rating 4”. Graziano Cesari rejects referee Rapuano who directed the Italian Super Cup final between Napoli and Inter: “Simeone’s first yellow card for a foul on Calhanoglu isn’t there, it seems like a normal foul to me – explained the former referee at the Italian Super Cup LIVE on Mediaset – In the first half Calhanoglu he puts Zerbin down and the referee takes no action, then in the 26th minute the Turk commits a foul on Lobotka and in this case too the referee lets it go. On the third intervention he gets a yellow card for the least foul of the three. Why didn’t he do the same thing with Simeone?”asks Graziano Cesari, criticizing the referee’s management of the cards. “If you send a message in the first half, why do you change the way you referee in the second half?” On Barella’s foul which cost him a yellow card (Fiorentina will miss): “He touches the ball clearly before and admonishes him for protesting. Rapuano threw away a great opportunity.”

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