Home » Are you really tired? Four foods rob the body of a lot of energy

Are you really tired? Four foods rob the body of a lot of energy

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Are you really tired?  Four foods rob the body of a lot of energy

Are you constantly tired even though you eat healthily and get enough sleep? This may be because you are eating the wrong foods. Read here what you should avoid.

In addition to physical fitness and how well you sleep, your energy level is closely related to the foods you eat.

Four foods rob the body of energy

Healthy meals provide fuel for muscles, nerves and brain. On the other hand, if you eat the wrong thing, you will quickly become tired.

1. Processed meat

Ham, sausage and bacon are stressful for the body. He has to expend a lot of energy to digest smoked or cured meat.

2. Too many carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are among the most important sources of energy. But they should be complex, long-chain carbohydrates from whole grains and vegetables – and not energy guzzlers like white flour or industrial sugar.

3. Alcohol

Not only does it rob the body of energy, but it also inhibits fat burning. Alcohol also makes it more difficult to sleep through the night, especially in the second half of the night, because then the residual alcohol in the blood has a stimulating effect. Alcoholic drinks also dehydrate you, which makes you weaker.

4. Zucker

Gummy bears, sodas, and other sugary foods and drinks have many negative effects on the body. White sugar, for example, makes you listless, weak and sick.

How do foods rob the body of energy?

After eating, blood is used in the digestive tract. This means less blood is pumped through the head. The easier a meal is to digest – lots of vegetables, protein, good carbohydrates from whole grains – the fitter you will be afterwards.

Therefore, you should eat plenty of plant-based foods and low-fat dairy products. This means the body has less work to do digesting.

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With these tips you will be less exhausted in everyday life

Eating healthy: Regular meals keep blood sugar levels constant. It starts in the morning: A healthy breakfast made of complex carbohydrates, proteins and little fat is ideal – oatmeal, berries, a few nuts and yoghurt, for example, are a good start to the day. Plus a cup of green tea, which provides more strength and concentration.
Do sports regularly: The more exercise, the better. You don’t have to become a top athlete, but every workout improves the energy supply to your cells. Sport makes you more alert and more productive in the long term – even outside of the gym.
Pay attention to healthy sleep: If you can’t sleep well at night, you’ll eventually sag during the day. Adults usually need seven to eight hours of sleep for the body to function optimally. The cells regenerate at night and what has been learned is transferred to long-term memory. Studies have shown that people with disrupted deep sleep are less able to learn. That’s why it’s important to take enough time for healthy sleep.
Wake up properly: Washing your face with cold water or taking a contrast shower stimulates blood circulation in the morning. In addition, you should allow enough light into the bedroom when you get up. Light switches off the production of the sleep hormone melantonin and signals the endocrine system to switch into active mode.

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