Home » US and UK attack Houthis in Yemen

US and UK attack Houthis in Yemen

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The United States and the United Kingdom carried out airstrikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen on Thursday, in response to attacks that disrupted shipping in the Red Sea. The operation, backed by Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Bahrain, New Zealand, South Korea, Denmark and Germany, targeted Houthi radar, air defense systems and storage and launch sites. Although successful, the measures adopted were limited, reflecting caution in expanding the conflict. President Biden affirmed that the United States and its partners will not tolerate attacks that threaten freedom of navigation. The offensive responds to persistent Houthi attacks since October 2023, backed by Iran. The escalation marks a new front for the United States.

Very tense situation in Yemen.

Western attacks on the capital.

British and American embassies were evacuated in almost all Middle Eastern countries.

In the early morning, 14 main objectives were achieved.

The objective of the maneuver is to neutralize the offensive and defensive air system of the Houthis.

Western alliance with the support of almost 40 nations.

Houthi Deputy Foreign Minister: The United States and Britain will have to prepare to pay a high price and bear all the disastrous consequences of this blatant aggression – Al Masirah

A series of intense attacks was immediately relaunched in various places in the territory.

The West anticipates a reaction from Iran. The goal appears to be to encourage Iran to respond and take responsibility for the provocations that have multiplied in recent months, particularly with a recent escalation targeting international ships in the Red Sea. It is important to note that the Houthis, active in Yemen, benefit from substantial support from Iran.

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A reaction from Iran would provide the West with a pretext to intensify its operations and increase its involvement in the region. Conversely, Iran’s lack of response could be interpreted as a sign of weakness on the part of its regional allies, including Hezbollah, which plays a key role in the conflict with Israel in southern Lebanon.

This strategy allows the West to regain the initiative, forcing Iran to choose between two unattractive options and thus placing it in a delicate position.

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