Home » NEOS top candidate Helmut Brandstätter: “Our Europe for all generations” | NEOS

NEOS top candidate Helmut Brandstätter: “Our Europe for all generations” | NEOS

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NEOS top candidate Helmut Brandstätter: “Our Europe for all generations” |  NEOS

Helmut Brandstätter: “The destroyers of the future are attacking our values ​​and our freedom in Austria and Europe.”

Vienna (OTS) – In Rankweil in Vorarlberg, Helmut Brandstätter was elected as the NEOS’s top candidate for the EU elections on June 9th with a clear majority of 84%. The EU election is a future choice for Europe and Austria, the extremes, often even extremists, would endanger the Union: “I grew up as an ardent European and was able to see how the communist dictatorships fell and the European Union was built. I I have seen how the EU has helped us achieve security and prosperity and has given Austria a completely new relevance as a location. Now we feel that all of this is threatened, that our European values ​​and the fundamental pillars of our Union are under attack. To be honest, it should be said: Anyone who is against Europe is against Austria. Anyone who wants to weaken the EU wants to weaken the Austrians. And anyone who is a friend of destroyers of the future like AfD-Weidel, Le Pen, Putin or Orban wants Austria to be poor, dependent and “We stand for the future, freedom, security and cohesion,” says Helmut Brandstätter today in front of several hundred NEOS members who either came to Rankweil or attended online. Brandstätter also thanked the other candidates with whom there has been “an intensive and stimulating exchange about the future of Europe in the last few weeks. That was extremely valuable and motivating for me. We remain a team and are going into it together and united the coming months.”

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It is now about a sovereign, independent and innovative ‘United States of Europe’, Brandstätter adds directly and names concrete solutions: “I stand for a Europe for all generations. The United States of Europe can make a real difference in the lives of all Austrians . On the one hand, I want us to make the borders more visible to the outside world, but also to reduce borders within the EU – for example in the labor market, in education and in the energy infrastructure. We have been dependent on Putin’s gas for far too long, we have had each other for far too long rely on the USA for the security and defense of our Europe. These dependencies clear out the wallets of the Austrians. The United States of Europe must be able to defend itself and also be economically resilient. They should provide noticeable relief and a concrete benefit for the people have.”

The ‘United States of Europe’ of NEOS promises concrete benefits for the lives of EU citizens, not least in the areas of training and work: “Education and training are an EU issue. The ‘freedom of movement for education’ should be considered the 5th European fundamental freedom “We need to overcome national boundaries for school and career paths. Research, for example, has been happening across national borders for a long time,” said Brandstätter, who also wants a leaner EU apparatus: “The Commission needs to be slimmed down and Parliament needs to be strengthened.”

Questions & Contact:

NEOS – The New Austria
Julian Steiner
+43 664 88782 402
[email protected]

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