Home » Residents of a city in Florida seek help to identify a mysterious sound that keeps them awake

Residents of a city in Florida seek help to identify a mysterious sound that keeps them awake

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Residents of a city in Florida seek help to identify a mysterious sound that keeps them awake

Residents of Tampa, Florida, have been experiencing a mysterious and constant drumming noise that has puzzled many in the community. Stephanie Kaltenbaugh, a resident of Tampa, has spent hours driving around the city in an attempt to identify the source of this unusual noise. After finding no answers, neighbors have banded together to raise money to investigate the underwater sounds with the help of a marine scientist.

Sara Healy, who lives near Tampa Bay and has been impacted by the noise, created a GoFundMe to raise funds for the investigation. The campaign has already raised over $2300. Once the goal of $2500 is reached, scientist James Locascio plans to use underwater microphones to record the sounds and identify their source.

According to Locascio, the mysterious noise may be coming from black drum fish, which produce drumming sounds at low frequencies when they mate. Locascio believes that an increase in the black drum population in Tampa Bay may be causing the noise nuisance. He stated, “This is a rare phenomenon. All these people are surprised because it is not well known.”

The noise has been affecting residents for years, causing vibrations in homes and disrupting sleep. Abbi Reynolds, a local real estate agent, reported feeling her pillow vibrate and even used earplugs to block out the noise. Other residents have made efforts to search for the source of the noise, but have been unsuccessful in finding any answers.

Some residents have expressed skepticism about the theory that the black drum fish are responsible for the sounds. Kaltenbaugh believes the noise is coming from a party boat, while Reynolds suspects it could be from construction operations. Healy is determined to raise more funds to investigate other possible sources of the noise, including discos, boat parties, and concerts.

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The investigation will allow residents to finally determine the source of the relentless noise that has been affecting their lives. For now, they are eagerly awaiting a resolution, so they can put an end to the mysterious sound that has plagued their community for years.

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