Home » Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui reunited: Libido offered a free concert in Miraflores

Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui reunited: Libido offered a free concert in Miraflores

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Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui reunited: Libido offered a free concert in Miraflores

Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui met again and performed ‘In this room’ | Carlos Diaz – Infobae

Líbido was one of the Peruvian rock bands with great national and international success that began its history in 1996. Over the years the team consolidated by Salim Vera, Toño Jáuregui, Manolo Hidalgo and Jeffrey Fischman began to dream of more. of a space in the country and thus its success grew.

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However, it was only a matter of a few years before, unfortunately, the group faded away and each one took a different path. Although the essence was not the same, Líbido’s name continued to be present but separately, one part with Salim and the other with Toño.

Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui met again at the show. (Carlos Díaz – Infobae)This was the first meeting between Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui on stage | Carlos Diaz – Infobae

As the years went by, the thousands of fans of the group hoped that they would be able to meet again, since it was learned that the separation did not happen in the best way and they had the hope that Salim and Toño would leave their differences behind and resume this project together.

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Although on several occasions, Toño Jáuregui invited Salim to meet for coffee, the singer ended up ruling out the possibility and it seemed almost impossible for them to be face to face again. In June 2023, it was Jáuregui who made the proposal again, but there was no response.

This was the Libido reunion show with Toño Jáuregui and Salim Vera together. (Carlos Díaz – Infobae)

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However, this January 29, all the members of Libido met again and gave a show at Kennedy Park in Miraflores. With a stage in the middle of the center of this district, Toño, Salim, Manolo and Jeffry came on stage and were applauded by the audience

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In addition, they greeted their audience, but did not miss the opportunity to give each other an emotional hug in front of their hundreds of fans who were eagerly awaiting this moment. Immediately, the first song they played was ‘Like a dog’, an emblematic song that had united them for several years. After that, they performed ‘In This Room’, a song with which they also included the audience to sing a cappella.

This was the Libido reunion show with Toño Jáuregui and Salim Vera together. (Carlos Díaz – Infobae)Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui met again on stage. (Carlos Díaz – Infobae)

This Monday, January 29, social networks exploded with the publication of a photograph on social networks of Salim Vera, Toño Jáuregui, Manolo Hidalgo and Jeffry Fischman, former members of Líbido. After several years of absence, everything seems to indicate that Toño’s request to go for a coffee finally happened.

Through each of their personal social networks, they shared the same photograph in which four coffees are seen on a table. The snapshot would represent the group’s reunion to have a talk and, possibly, see projects for the future. Furthermore, they all posted the same description: “See you at 6:30 pm.” So it is expected that at that time it will be revealed what surprise they have for their audience.

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Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui would have met again and are preparing a surprise, (Instagram)

However, hours later, the Free Entry page has confirmed that the show will be this Monday, January 29 at 6:30 pm at Parque Kennedy in the Miraflores district. So far, it is known that a stage has been built and they hope that hundreds of fans will show up.

Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui meet again in a free concert. Libido met again and sang the iconic song ‘Como un perro’ | Carlos Diaz – Infobae

Quickly, the band’s followers did nothing but get excited about this coincidence. On social networks, users showed their happiness and are waiting for the time that the singers mentioned to be able to hear the news. The expectation is great and the desire for there to be a concert is quite great. However, so far nothing concrete has been said and the illusions grow even more.

“Thank you for making it possible, many fans have been waiting for it for a long time,” “If they regroup, they break it. That’s right!”, “I’ve been waiting for it since I was a teenager,” “I’m going to cry if they give a concert together again!!!!! Take my money”, “I hope that they send that reunion concert and that they release on vinyl the best of the discography: Libido Acústica”, “I will cry with emotion”, “Don’t play with people like that. It’s about time!!!”, “Come back and they’ll definitely fill the National Stadium, there are like two generations waiting for you to get together,” were some of the comments on social networks.

Happy users for reunion of Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui. (Instagram)Happy users for reunion of Salim Vera and Toño Jáuregui. (Instagram)

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