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Monkeypox, 10 cases in Florence: attempts are being made to reconstruct the map of infections

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Monkeypox, 10 cases in Florence: attempts are being made to reconstruct the map of infections

Monkeypox Cases Discovered in Florence

Ten people in Florence have tested positive for monkeypox, a viral infection with symptoms including skin rashes with blisters, swollen lymph nodes, and fever. The cases emerged starting in the second week of January, as reported by The Republic. Prevention research has been initiated to trace other possible infections, and about ten infections have been discovered.

According to reports, seven of the infected individuals had been in a nightclub in the hinterland of Florence, coming from various provinces in the region. From a clinical point of view, none of them are of concern, but the Region has sent a report to the Ministry of Health as expected for this type of disease. Efforts are now underway to reconstruct the map of infections.

The World Health Organization states that between humans, contagion can occur with close and prolonged proximity to a symptomatic person, including talking at a short distance, physical contact with skin lesions, or during sexual intercourse.

In a related case, a teacher in Brescia has also tested positive for monkeypox, according to an in-depth analysis. It is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant and practice strict hygiene measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The Higher Institute of Health is closely monitoring the situation to minimize the risk of a new wave of the virus and educate the public on how it is transmitted.

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