Home » Consequences of lack of sleep: This is how bad sleep deprivation is

Consequences of lack of sleep: This is how bad sleep deprivation is

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Consequences of lack of sleep: This is how bad sleep deprivation is

Oh yes? Who suffers more from insomnia, women or men?
At least in a study on shift work, we saw that women are tired more often and have so-called micro-sleep episodes, i.e. nodding away briefly. The proteins in the blood that show how stressed the brain is due to sleep deprivation increase more in women than in men. These results must be treated very carefully and verified through larger surveys. But the assumption that women have a higher need for sleep may be related to the fact that women use more cognitive resources than men. You have more interaction between the brain hemispheres. Put bluntly, the assumption is: If there’s more activity during the day, you need more sleep at night. However, we did not see in this study that women are therefore cognitively less productive.

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