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The Growing Coffee Shop Culture in Mexico: A Look at the Industry and Market Trends

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The Growing Coffee Shop Culture in Mexico: A Look at the Industry and Market Trends

Starbucks and Alsea aim to increase income with the goal of operating 2,000 stores worldwide by 2025

The global coffee industry is a major player in Mexico, employing over 500,000 producers across 15 states, according to the Mexican government. Coffee consumption in Mexico is also significant, with an annual per capita consumption rate of 1.7 kilograms per person, data from Statista shows.

As of 2022, the coffee shop market in Mexico has experienced steady growth, bolstered by increased demand for high-quality, specialized coffee experiences. International giants like Starbucks have expanded their presence in Mexico, contributing to the normalization of coffee shops as popular meeting places and social hubs. Moreover, the interest in artisanal and specialty coffee has surged, as evidenced by the growing number of specialty coffee shops throughout the country. The COVID-19 pandemic has also impacted the industry, with cafes adapting to survive through takeout and delivery services.

Additionally, the coffee shop industry in Mexico has embraced diversity and quality in coffee offerings. Consumer interest in coffee culture continues to grow, demonstrated by increased participation in coffee-related events and festivals. The evolution of coffee culture has been influenced by consumers seeking unique experiences.

Amidst the news of Starbucks and Alsea’s efforts to expand by 2025, a TikTok video has gone viral sharing the secrets to buying the cheapest Starbucks coffee. The video details a discount and promotion that allows customers to purchase two coffees for 23 pesos when using their own thermos and presenting the Starbucks app at the time of purchase.

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As the coffee culture continues to thrive in Mexico, it remains an integral part of the country’s social and economic landscape.

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