Home » FC Baden – FC Aarau: Police take stock after the derby

FC Baden – FC Aarau: Police take stock after the derby

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FC Baden – FC Aarau: Police take stock after the derby

Aargau derby

The day after the historic game in Baden: The cantonal police take stock

A historic day for FC Baden: 5,100 fans watch the canton derby in the stadium. Special buses were available for the away fans from Aarau. The police presence was also large.

Canton derby during the week? No problem for Aargau football fans. 5,100 spectators attended the memorable game between FC Baden and FC Aarau. Many people had their hands full so that they could easily get to the Esp stadium, which is around five kilometers from the train station.

During the game, both fan groups (here the FCA fans) lit pyros.

Image: Alexander Wagner

Numerous police officers were on duty. The majority of them stood at the train station in full gear to form a corridor for the Aarau fans so that they didn’t take any detours to get to their buses. In the run-up to the game, bystanders were asked to avoid Baden West train station. said a statement from the Baden city police.

Some FCA fans left graffiti on the walls of the station and a firecracker was set off. Of course, the police presence didn’t stop the FCA fans from shouting “Scheiss Bade!” at the train station. to call:

“Shit Bade!”: Aarau fans mark their presence at Baden train station.

Video: zvg

But were there any serious incidents? “No,” says Kapo spokesman Daniel Waechter when asked by AZ. The evening was relatively quiet – without any damage to property or riots. He does not provide any information about the number of police officers deployed.

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The Kapo has not received any reports of masked FCA supporters. However, a third person reported a group of eight to ten masked people at the Badener Tor at 9:08 p.m., while the game was still going on in the Esp stadium. It is not clear whether these had a connection with the derby.

The return trip for the people from Aarau was also mostly quiet. On the bus, the derby victory was celebrated with insulting chants against FC Baden. When we arrived at the train station, a few more firecrackers were set off. But that was all – the people from Aarau got on their train and went home. For most people, Wednesday morning meant getting up and going to work.

On the whole, things remained quiet at the derby. Only the reporter from “Tele M1” was targeted.

Video: Tele M1

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