Home » The US speaks out against the latest attacks by the Venezuelan dictatorship

The US speaks out against the latest attacks by the Venezuelan dictatorship

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The US speaks out against the latest attacks by the Venezuelan dictatorship

The US expressed its concern about the arbitrary detentions of the Maduro regime and asked to respect the Barbados Agreement

The State Department called for “an end to political harassment, including attacks on opposition campaign headquarters and all attempts to stifle the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people with fear and intimidation.”

24 Ene, 2024 01:56 am EST

The US expressed its concern about the arbitrary detentions of the Maduro regime and asked to respect the Barbados Agreement.

USA This Tuesday he expressed his “deep concern” by arrest warrants and the arrests by the Maduro dictatorship of at least 33 Venezuelans, including opponents, activists, former soldiers and journalists. You may be interested in: This was the kidnapping of Juan Freites, head of the campaign team of the Venezuelan opposition María Corina Machado

“Las arrests without due process go against the spirit of the billing sheet agreement electoral route October 2023 signed between the Unitary Platform and representatives of Nicolas Maduro”said Matthew Miller, a spokesman for the State Department.

That agreement, which committed Maduro to facilitating clean elections, led the United States to relax some of the sanctions it had imposed on the Chavista regime.

The government of Joe Biden has been closely monitoring the Chavistas’ compliance with their commitments and has warned that actions that go against the spirit and letter of the Barbados Agreement They will have consequences. You may be interested in: The Venezuelan opposition reiterated its request to the Electoral Power to announce the date of the presidential elections

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In a statement released this Tuesday, the United States demanded “the cessation of political harassmentincluding attacks on opposition campaign headquarters and all attempts to stifle the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people with fear and intimidation.”

“We urge Maduro and his representatives to adhere to the electoral roadmap agreement, including announcing a clear schedule for the elections.” 2024 presidential electionand to restore all political candidates,” the text reads.

The State Department called for “an end to political harassment, including attacks on opposition campaign headquarters and all attempts to stifle the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people with fear and intimidation.” (Europa Press)

For his part, the attorney general imposed by the Maduro dictatorship, Tarek William Saabreported on Monday that more than thirty people, including civilians and soldiers, were detained in Venezuela since May 2023 for their alleged participation in five conspiratorial planswhich included the assassination of Maduro and attacks on military installations.

These arrests occur a week after the Chavista regime announced before Parliament that they had neutralized four “coup conspiracies.” You may be interested in: María Corina Machado began her electoral campaign for the Venezuelan presidential elections.

The presidential candidate of the main opposition coalition, Maria Corina Machadodescribed these plans as “surreal and delirious plots.”

Machado remains disqualified from holding public office despite having won overwhelming support in a primary election held last October.

Street demonstrations

He chavismo and the opposition They showed their strength this Tuesday with separate mobilizations in Caracas and several regions of Venezuela, facing some presidential election scheduled for the second half of the year, still without a defined date.

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Both political sides took to the streets of a country that on this day, 66 years ago, overthrew the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez (1953-1958) and is preparing for a electoral contest that will determine the continuity or the end of the chavismowhich next month will reach its quarter century in power.

In Caracas, Chavismo sympathizers, who usually carry out their activities in the center of the city, decided to start from a historically opposition area, near the Altamira squarewhere the candidate of the main anti-Chavista coalition had planned an event.

But, early on, the ruling party installed a platform with large speakers right in front of this place, so the opposition was forced to move a few meters further away to avoid the “confrontation.”

The former deputy assured in front of hundreds of supporters that Maduro “is terrified” of this year’s elections, in which the Chavista leader has not confirmed whether he will seek a second re-election.

Later, Maduro spoke in front of thousands of people who gathered in the center of the city and assured that he will “continue governing this country with the support of Venezuelans,” without clarifying whether he is referring to an aspiration for another six-year term in office. the power

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