Home » Sanremo 2024 on social media: record numbers for Annalisa, but more active followers for Amoroso and Mannoia

Sanremo 2024 on social media: record numbers for Annalisa, but more active followers for Amoroso and Mannoia

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Sanremo 2024 on social media: record numbers for Annalisa, but more active followers for Amoroso and Mannoia

Three women on the podium of Sanremo 2024, according to bookmakersand 4 women among the top 5 social positions of the next Festival, scheduled from 6 to 10 February, according to the analysis conducted by DeReva company specializing in digital strategy and communication that already had us help you understand the Ferragni case better.

The forecasts speak of a all-female podiumwith Angelina Mango, Alessandra Amoroso and Annalisa, and DeRev’s estimates, based on the singers’ performances on social media, do not differ much, also adding Fiorella Mannoia and Ghali in the mix.

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The ranking (viewable below in full) it doesn’t just take into account the brute force that comes from the number of followers but also of a finer parameter, that is, theirs involvement and the level of response to what their favorites share.

The picture that emerges is useful not only and simply to understand who is better on social networks but also who potentially could take some advantage of the community factor, that is, by the willingness of followers to mobilize for the success of one singer or another. Indeed, of one singer or another.

The ranking, the third of its kind drawn up by DeRev, shows Alessandra Amoroso in the lead thanks to the second largest community (almost 9 million followers), second only to that of Emma (12.774 million), and an engagement of 1.13% which makes it far surpass the former star of Amici, whose 0.09% puts it in sixth place. Amoroso is behind it Fiorella Mannoiawhich amasses very interesting numbers if seen through the lens of televoting: 2.881 million followers, an engagement in line with the average one of influencers with a comparable community (1.8%) but above all well 186 posts in the period considered for the analysis, i.e. the two months of December and January.

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Il CEO of DeRev, Roberto Espositounderlined precisely this, that is, the ability of the two singers to already warm up the community in view of the 2024 Sanremo week: “Mannoia never leaves his followers alone, the dialogue with them is constant and of high quality”, even if “Amoroso boasts double the post interaction (8.15% versus 4.52%, ed.) and if it called users to votecould garner an important response.”

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As for the rest of the ranking, drawn up on the basis of DeRev Score (deriving from a proprietary algorithm that measures the effectiveness of communication on social media starting from the number of followers, engagement, number of interactions and number of posts), in third place is Ghali: with almost 4.5 million followers and 0.66% of engagement, he is also the artist who achieved the highest number of reactions to the 35 contents published in the period. Behind him there are the Ligurian Annalisa and Angelina Mango: the first has a very large community (over 5 million followers), while the second can count on relatively fewer followers but has a decidedly higher engagement, i.e. 2.17% versus 0.41%.

In bottom of the ranking there are Geolier, The French Saints and Fred De Palma: with the exception of the winners of just 4 for De Palma).

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Broadening our gaze in general to the Sanremo Festival, one of those events that no one admits to watching but everyone knows everything about it, enjoys excellent health and increases the already good results of the last edition: to date it has almost 2.9 million followers across all platforms, with an increase of almost 800 thousand users compared to last year. Engagement is currently stable (1.29%), while in 2023 a notable 6.3% stood out most likely due to the newborn TikTok profile, opened exactly one year ago.

Moreover, according to the report on most popular posts of 2023 (which is this)Sanremo was in second place among conversation trends in Italy on social media with 11 million interactions, preceded only by Milan (over 14 million) and followed by Giorgia Melons (8 million interactions).

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As mentioned, those at DeRev study the social communities of the singers competing in Sanremo for 3 years now, and you just need to take a look at how it went in the past to realize how much “social media has decisively entered the television competition and can play a significant role”, to put it in Esposito’s words. In detail: in the 2022 editionthe top 3 finishers (Blanco-Mahmood, Elisa and Gianni Morandi) were in the top 5 places of the DeRev ranking, third, fifth and first respectively; in the 2023 edition, Mengoni, Lazza and Ultimo (who arrived first, second and fourth), were on the podium in the DeRev ranking. Now we just have to wait and see how this year goes.


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